haha thanks. as i just wrote that first line, it came out to be jiberish. because im computer retarded. lol. and becaues i cant type for crap. well since i am ever so bored im going to write a nice long reply to you comment. i didnt know that you used to walk by reed after school...hahaa, and you still wilkl....but i wont be there :[ lol. its ok thought cause now we can move on and go to bigger schools, well not you caue you're already in a highschool...but still. i was getting tierd of reed its so boring when you know the same people for so long...ya know? i mean, im still gonna miss them and all, but im really happy to make new friends. you know what'd be fun? TO GO TO BOARDING SCHOOL. theni wouldnt have to see my family for weeks! lol. now i just have to convince my strict jewish mother. but she said i could apply to exiter. so maybe theres a chance? lol. i HOPE so. lalala. it probably wont happen though. im bored. i have 3 people from nyc in my house. guests. i think the more people. the crowded. the hotter it is. this sux.
ok im done, wouldnt want to bore you with more useless information :]
as i just wrote that first line, it came out to be jiberish.
because im computer retarded. lol. and becaues i cant type for crap.
well since i am ever so bored im going to write a nice long reply to you comment. i didnt know that you used to walk by reed after school...hahaa, and you still wilkl....but i wont be there :[ lol. its ok thought cause now we can move on and go to bigger schools, well not you caue you're already in a highschool...but still. i was getting tierd of reed its so boring when you know the same people for so long...ya know? i mean, im still gonna miss them and all, but im really happy to make new friends. you know what'd be fun? TO GO TO BOARDING SCHOOL. theni wouldnt have to see my family for weeks! lol. now i just have to convince my strict jewish mother. but she said i could apply to exiter. so maybe theres a chance? lol. i HOPE so. lalala. it probably wont happen though. im bored. i have 3 people from nyc in my house. guests. i think the more people. the crowded. the hotter it is. this sux.
ok im done, wouldnt want to bore you with more useless information :]
>3 orelle
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