"It was during the Confederate War. It explains everything!"

Dec 10, 2008 02:40

1. Merde. And if my French accent wasn't good enough: SHIT. WTFUCKERY IS THIS. I am sick again, indeed and for certain. Fail fail fail. A cough is... on the brink of happening. It WILL happen properly, I suspect, the next time I wake up. Stupid illness of stupid FAIL. And I can't go to the doctor tomorrow, probably - since my boss is busy all day and I need to... sit at my desk and pretend to take charge of things in her absence. Yuck.

2. That being said, I am not entirely unhappy today. I am kind of gross because I eschewed showering in favour of watching videos (WHAT - I got stuck on a loop and then it was too late and I figured I should shower before work so I could stay awake). GOOD THING I HAD AWESOME VIDEO CRACK TO ENTERTAIN ME.

3. Meryl was just on Good Morning America promoting Doubt! :D

image Click to view

- This video makes me very giggly and spammy indeed. Meryl is ADORABLE.
- Also sick - she went to the Doubt premiere but left really quickly because she had a cold, and you can kind of tell from how she's sniffling throughout this video. Her voice is lower too.
- NEVER MIND. She's still gorgeous and so cute.
- 0:48: Mamma Mia self-congratulatory shimmy, FTW!!
- I love Meryl's manifesto! XD
- 1:22: "I just don't think that's... untrue." LMAO.
- And then she gets all smart about Doubt.
- 5:33: O Holy Night in French made her Meryl Streep!! XD Omigod, she SO walked into that trap, hee.
- 6:30: her REACTION to her singing in Secret Service = EPIC WIN TIMES: "You will come back again, won't you?" "I can't WAIT."
- Also: "It was during the Confederate War. It explains everything!" HA HA WIN.
- 7:06: FAVOURITE: "You were such a soprano!" "Yes I WAS. But now everything's CHANGED."

4. And then I stumbled across someone's tudou playlist of incredibly INSANELY AWESOME, HAPPY-MAKING EMIL VIDEOS.


7:30: Emil sings a bit of Long Juan Feng (Typhoon): with Jay's enunciation, longer left arm, swagger and ALL. (FWIW: Jay has the most mumbly enunciation of any Chinese pop star out there - it's his trademark. Emil, on the other hand, has crystal clear diction. So watching him mumble his way through this song made my NIGHT.) You know what's sad? Even though he's totally goofing about and spazzing, he MAKES IT WORK. His voice is still full of ♥

And then I found a video of Emil singing 飄洋過海來看你 (Coming Across The Ocean To See You), which I was a LOT obsessed with when Jonathan Lee sang it in that brain-exploding concert from two weeks ago. GOD ALMIGHTY OF AWESOMESAUCE TIMES.

EMIL SINGING SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD - if you were interested to hear him singing in, you know, English

The video is out of sync, but hai, HIGH NOTE AT THE END OF SONG. ♥

As I mentioned to noldoparma, who has been on the receiving end of my epic amounts of c-pop flail these past few days, I never actually NOTICED until today just how much vibrato Emil uses when he soars right up into his higher register. It kind of pwns my brain. I didn't even call it VIBRATO, or know that's what it was called, I was just... pwned by the awesome. But I guess that confirms I clearly like me some vibrato, no?

Then I uploaded a song to prove to noldoparma how easy I am: plz to be downloading Bu Yuan Yi Ge Ren (Don't Want To Be Alone), which is this gorgeous ballad Emil wrote for his wife (SWOON) which I've always loved... and when he stripped it down and turned it into this lovely lovely jazz song, all tinkling piano (his pianist is a frakkin' GENIUS) and his VOICE... way back in 1996? I decided I would marry him ON THE SPOT if he sang this to me. Actually, any guy who can halfway competently sing this song to me will also have a pretty good chance with me. Never mind that I don't even want to get married. TRUST ME ON THIS. I'M REALLY THAT EASY, YUP. *weeps*

Randomly: link for my own reference <-- I'm halfway through watching this epic-long interview

5. And so my life is shiny and complete, even if I haven't showered and I have to go to work and I'm sick. Doesn't take much, does it, it really REALLY doesn't.

6. It's a good day. We put a paper out at work, there's new House for me to download when I get home, and I have video crack. ♥ Fun times.

oh look a good day, lj - noldoparma, meme, lollerskating brb!!, cells behaving badly, meryl streep, cpop, jay chou, capslock flail, emil chau

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