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lfae November 30 2008, 08:27:50 UTC
2. Huh? :P

3. Nooooo, being sick sucks. :( At least you're home now... being sick on holidays would be MUCH worse I reckon.

Speaking of youtubing, I watched like 4 hours of Xena videos this morning *weeps*

Haha, last night I played Popular just to hear when Lucy's "ooh!" was. I LOVE HOW SHE DID THAT.


ellixian November 30 2008, 15:41:55 UTC
2. EEK. Is it happening to only me? Seriously - I get such FUGLY pages, with everything in HTML and not even nicely formatted. And when I hit reply now, I get a whole new page rather than a box opening up for me to reply to comments/posts. SO ANNOYING.

3. Being sick at work is not so much fun though. D:

I read about that on your LJ. WHY 4 hours of Xena?! Was it a challenge!fic thing?



lfae November 30 2008, 22:50:55 UTC
2. Okay, suddenly a few people's journals have gone to the ugly white comment pages and not opened the little box... but not all of them!

3. Nooo, that's true. :( But at least you can take a day OFF, y/y? ;)

LOL, my friend showed me this ONE picture to help describe a character of hers... wow they're so pretty... then I think Lana mentioned the slash so I went looking and FUCK, it is EPIC.


ellixian December 1 2008, 01:01:38 UTC
2. Not all of them?! What the frak! So it's just me then? Or maybe it's the LJ style or whatever I'm using?! EFF. This is so annoying. X(

3. I've taken one off! Proud of me?

Ahahaha, I never watched Xena, but yes, the slash there was EPIC TIMES. You can't not have heard about it if you're in fandom of any sort, LOL. ;)


lfae December 1 2008, 10:25:07 UTC
I don't knoooow. :(


I'm like, do I even need to watch Xena now because I've seen so many fanvids that surely there's no slash left, lol. But then they're hot.


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