"Hear the baby Jesus cry 'ho ho ho'!!"

Nov 20, 2008 02:31

1. I HAVE SO MUCH VIDEO FLAIL. OMIGOD. FLAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL. But I will get to that later. Y'all have to promise to flail with me, plz.

2. You know what I did today? So I have the latest copy of Entertainment Weekly, yes? I was going to read it, right? And then, you know, keep it because of that gorgeous full-page spread of Meryl? WELL GUESS WHAT. I TRIPPED AND DROPPED THE MAGAZINE IN THE JOHN. WTF, CLUMSY SELF OF FAIL. God, you'd think I'd have better hand-eye-brain coordination after 20+ years trying to figure out how to use my hands. HA HA. CLEARLY NOT.

3. YOGA OF DEATH. Although I lie, a little bit. Did a hot class today. Still am a fundamentally inflexible person. But it was good. We did the same bendy-twisty thing that hurt like eff the last time and I managed to last the whole pose this, so that was encouraging. Was SO dripping with sweat by the end of it and really quite gross though.

4. AND THEN I CAME HOME AND MY FANDOMS EXPLODED. Good thing LJ is back up! If you have some spare time, COME WATCH ALL THESE VIDEOS. Because they make me ultra-super-capslocky-HAPPY. XD


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- "I'm not going to commit to a kettle" - OH HUGH ILU BUT ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE ALL BRITISH
- "First I've heard of it!" HEEEEEEEEEE.
- HE HAS A TUX, YOU KNOW, BECAUSE HE'S ENGLISH. CAN WE SAY BOYFRIEND. God, I've forgotten how sexy his accent is. ♥

6. IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE A VERY COLBERT CHRISTMAS. Oh my friggin' god. How excited am I for Stephen's MUSICAL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL?! Yes, that's right! MUSICAL. CHRISTMAS. SPECIAL. STEPHEN COLBERT. A whole bunch of awesome words strung together to produce something awesome. He's promoting the special now, so a bunch of promos and talk shows and stuff are leaking, and WTF it's HILARIOUS AND AMAZING. It makes me want to DIE FROM LOL.

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Guest spot on CBS News (although the interviewer is a bit annoying and trying so hard to be IN on the faux news anchor thing, yuck) - little wooden shoes to be filled with nuts and fruit if you're good, please. TO BE KIDNAPPED TO SPAIN IF YOU'RE NAUGHTY.

- And and - "a red turtleneck, which I'm rocking, might I say" - LMAO YES YOU ARE. OMIGOD I LOVE STEPHEN A LOT.
- "Jon Stewart begged me to be in it", ahaha! And and - has Jon Stewart ever sung before? Colbert: "No... nor that day!"
- The map makes him want to twirl! Or... "catch my feet, catch my feet!" HEE.

CLIP OF JON STEWART ON THE SHOW <-- Jon totes sings!! IT IS HILARITY ITSELF. And then Stephen sings with Diane Sawyer and DAVID COOK, WUT.

FINALLY - full-length song, and it's BRILLIANT. Another Christmas Song:

It took me a MILLION YEARS to figure out how to rip that for myself, but I finally did, so download here. I am kind of obsessed with it. Plus he can sing, which I knew, but EEEK. FUNNY. SONG. AND AND AND. FLAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL.


7. AND THEN AND THEN. The Mamma Mia DVD comes out soon! So random clips are surfacing, beyond the outtakes that I posted earlier. This is a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Mamma Mia (the song), and I LOVE IT. Meryl talks about having to climb a goat house that turned out to be "this 60-foot Mayan pyramid without the pyramid" and how she had to SING ALL THE TIME, wtf. I love that they all sang live and stuff, but man, dangerous. Plus, can we say knackering?! Last line is my favourite - "I'm going to just... dangle here for a while". LMAO.

8. I would also have Julia video to share... except it's taking forever to upload. weazel_luv, be so kind as to post it in comments if you don't, you know, fall asleep in front of your computer? ;)

9. It'd be a good day. Except, yuck, work. And now it's 3.30 in the morning. Clearly my plan to sleep "early" this week is not working out for me. Or at least not when the alternative is to be flaily. Ah well. Two more days before Australia, anyway. I CAN DO IT.

lj - weazel_luv, yoga, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, i fail, meryl streep, music, colbertnation, movies, housespam, capslock flail, sleep patterns of fail

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