"how could I sleep, couldn't sleep if I tried?"

Nov 17, 2008 01:03

1. ARGH I AM BEING EATEN ALIVE BY MOSQUITOES. Seriously. There are two that have been dislodged from their nests or whatever that are flying about and just biting me all over. FUCK. And they're NOT psychosomatic or even vaguely related to some kind of hidden passion I have for Lisa Cuddy, they are REAL. GRARGH. ITCHY.

2. What a BUSY BUSY DAY. :D I went to bed at almost 7am but got up in time to pick noldoparma up for brunch at this place called Barracks. FOOD, ZOMG. We got a serving of truffle fries to start, and god, I've been spoiled for ALL french fries ever after. SO YUMMY. I had black pepper lobster linguine, and J mushroom risotto, before we shared sweet potato nibblers (crispy and coated in sugar!) and this almond-custard toast thing... I swear the waitresses thought the two of us were PIGS when we kept ordering more food, as frequently happens when we eat out together. *ahem*

3. As if that wasn't enough, we adjourned to Canele in Shaw Centre for ice cream. *weeps* Mine was all dark chocolate and awesome. :D

4. And then Madagascar 2. Which was on about 7 million kinds of crack, honestly. The movie moved at SUCH a frenetic pace, and it was hilarious and a lot of fun - but man. Weird as all get-out at points, so irreverent and just WHACKED. Got to give the writers props for picking out the weirdest little moments from the first movie and weaving them into a not-really-but-kind-of-not-coherent plot for this sequel, I guess.

5. Then YOGA. More pain and torture. I'm kind of hitting the point when it's still torture, but I feel rewarded at the end rather than stupid. Which I think I will take as a sign of improvement, y/y?

6. I totes did not buy Entertainment Weekly at the bookstore because of this. Except maybe I did.

7. And video of the day - Meryl accepting a lifetime achievement award at the Cesars (the French Oscars) in 2003:

image Click to view

- She gives her acceptance speech in French. IN FRENCH. Because she is CLASSY LIKE THAT. Major effin' props, Ms Streep, major props.
- I am so pleased with myself that I can actually understand her. Not just her, but Nathalie Baye as well! GO ME AND MY FIVE YEARS OF FRENCH LESSONS... ten years ago now, ZOMG. I'm so ancient. *cries* Nice to know Alzheimer's hasn't QUITE set in though.
- I love this little moment when she explains that she plays women who are difficult to like and comprehend... and then tosses a little aside - "comme maintenant" (like now) - AHAHA. No one got that joke though. D:
- Star-spotting in the audience is ALMOST AS FUN as the speech. Juliette Binoche was crying! OMG, she's a fangirl TOO! I kind of love that. Also, Isabelle Huppert. EEK. I LOVE ISABELLE HUPPERT. ♥

8. LESS THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE I GO TO AUSTRALIA. XD I just need to get through the next five days at work. I CAN DO IT, Y/Y??

9. Finally: BEING DEVOURED ALIVE BY MOSQUITOES IS EPIC AMOUNTS OF NO FUN. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE, ARGH. I am going to go and hide under my duvet now and hope they stay away. Guys, aren't you proud of me. It's 1.30am. I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO BED. \o/

lj - noldoparma, housespam, yoga, om nom nom nom, starstalking, meryl streep, movies

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