weekend round-up

Oct 27, 2008 05:07

1. Yay for a lazy weekend following on a lazy week - I haven't slept as much as I should (OMG it's 4am *cries*), and I haven't watched ANY of the TV I was going to watch, augh. But... urm, at least I got to rest and chill out a bit?

2. Watched Blindness with a friend on Saturday - I really liked it. Not an easy movie to love, and it certainly ( Read more... )

oh look a good day, lj - noldoparma, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, theatre, meryl streep, movies, bookdorking, capslock flail, family, om nom nom nom, starstalking, sleep patterns of fail, pics!!

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llyfrgell October 27 2008, 02:57:35 UTC
2. I'm a bit bothered by not liking the book - it's annoying because I can see the literary merit and everything, I just didn't want to read any more. It's kind of like Lord of the Flies, which I also didn't want to finish - what do humans do in dehumanizing situations? I guess it's just a profound question in which I don't have much interest.

3. Hmm. I am also not sure which version we did. It ended with a rocket ship instead of a balloon! And the witch definitely did not sing Jitterbug in ours - though I don't think Dorothy did either? I'm pretty sure it was sung by the Jitterbugs!

5. Need to track down Graveyard! Have not spent much time in bookstores recently - ran in to get A Lion Among Men and that's really it. I've read Tam Lin and am extremely ambivalent towards it. The story/setting/characters hold a lot of appeal for me, but something about the way Pamela Dean writes makes them all end up getting on my nerves. Also the book is LONG and feels that way. I know it's a pretty popular YA book, though, so perhaps I am asking too much of it. As far as Tamora Pierce - start with the Alanna series (4 books) and then read the Wild Magic series (also 4). Those are the first two (and the best). :-)

6. I think there WAS some implosion. And I had vaguely heard Julia's Children of Eden songs, but that was before I knew the musical very well/played it on the piano. Children of Eden is my favorite to play/sing (okay it might be tied with Stranger to the Rain), so listening to her version is extra awesome now. Norm's concert will be epic! I also want to see Laura at a benefit sometime, but everything she does is expensive. :-\

8. I ALSO know how to read my Gchat flist! ;-)


ellixian October 27 2008, 11:02:13 UTC
2. Awww, but sometimes these books with lots of literary cred are just PRETENTIOUS. And people love them, and I'm, like. You know, give me some good clean prose any day. I mean, I like reading these books and appreciating the literary value of it all as much as anybody. But sometimes... I don't need it, really. ;)

3. My brother CLAIMS that Judy Garland sang the Jitterbug on the expanded TWOZ OST? And they cut it? I guess they were going to give Judy another song, although maybe onstage it's sung by other people. In my version, the Witch sang it together with the Jitterbugs!

4. A Lion Among Men is SUCH A YELLOW BOOK. *cries* I saw it in the bookstore that day and literally was a bit horrified by how YELLOW it was. How do you read that without feeling jaundiced?! ;) Thanks for the Tamora Pierce recs. Shall look out for that this evening. :)

6. Implosions are gooood. Julia's Children of Eden is beautiful and makes me weep. As do all her songs in that benefit, aieee. She belts the crap out of them! More Norm and Laura can NEVER be bad.

8. I'm so bad at being sneaky. *cries*


llyfrgell October 27 2008, 15:30:53 UTC
2. This is true. I also have limited patience for books that try to be serious and difficult now that most of the reading I do is for law school, though that doesn't apply to when I was reading Blindness. All I can read now is YA fantasy. *cries*

3. Weird. I totally don't know enough about the movie (didn't even know there WAS an expanded soundtrack) so I will take your - or your brother's - word for it!

4. Wait, YELLOW? It's RED here! Wtf. And actually only the dust jacket is red - underneath it's white with pretty cover art. I guess the Singapore/wherever else version took the yellow = cowardly symbolism to heart!

6. Must find iPod cord so I can listen to the benefit MOOOOORE. ARGH. ADDICTED. REVIVAL PLZ? (Edit: Oops. Not technically a revival since it was never on Broadway OR off-Broadway - I retract that statement and issue a new one. NYC PRODUCTION PLZ?)

8. Sometimes you're sneaky! This just wasn't one of them. ;-)


ellixian November 4 2008, 17:58:41 UTC
Ha, who has a million old comments to catch up on?

2. I'm glad we're agreed here. I have SO little patience and time to waste now on things that don't make me happy. And while I do appreciate some highbrow literary prose once in a whle, these days, I'm just happy with YA fantasy. WE WIN. :D

3. My dork of a brother claims to know all. I have no clue!

4. Yes, YELLOW. SULPHURIC. It's awful - literally the WHOLE thing is yellow, the entire cover, right down to the pages and ick. I googled YOUR version and it's the same one I have for Wicked i.e., beautifully illustrated with great colours. I would not read the book here for the colours ALONE.



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