weekend round-up

Oct 27, 2008 05:07

1. Yay for a lazy weekend following on a lazy week - I haven't slept as much as I should (OMG it's 4am *cries*), and I haven't watched ANY of the TV I was going to watch, augh. But... urm, at least I got to rest and chill out a bit?

2. Watched Blindness with a friend on Saturday - I really liked it. Not an easy movie to love, and it certainly ( Read more... )

oh look a good day, lj - noldoparma, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, theatre, meryl streep, movies, bookdorking, capslock flail, family, om nom nom nom, starstalking, sleep patterns of fail, pics!!

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ellixian October 26 2008, 21:44:51 UTC
2. I thought it was really smart and a great movie, actually. I can see how it could be divisive, and I genuinely HATED the moments of cheesy narration that was included at some points - but otherwise it was such a difficult, engrossing watch. They made cuts post-Cannes? Gah! Was it even MORE harrowing for Julianne's character before they cut it?

I really hope she gets nominated for this role, even though there isn't as much critical buzz surrounding the movie. She SHOULD have won for Far From Heaven a few years back, but basically cancelled herself out with double nominations that year (I think). And yeah, I'm afraid Meryl is a lock for a nomination even if Doubt is crap, and so is Angelina. Fewer slots for Julianne, argh!! D:

3. The singing wasn't TOO bad. Nobody made me want to cringe and personally shatter my ear drums. But they weren't GREAT either, which just added to the... mediocrity of the production, I guess?

3a. Argh, recording FAIL. I don't understand why people have to TALK when they KNOW you're recording, wtf wtf.

8. Thank you! Off NOW. Glad you found a nice yoga place, but EEK at pulling a muscle on top of your foot. Seriously, how does one DO that?! :\


vertical_chaos October 26 2008, 21:51:19 UTC
2. Yeah. The rape/murder/aftermath scene was a lot more intense. I can understand trimming the rape scene, but from everything I'd read in the blog (granted translated by google cause I don't read Portugese) there was more of a scene with Julianne and Mark following her killing of the "King of Ward Three". I forget what else, but there were a couple of other things they trimmed.

I hope she gets nominated period. I'd love it to be for Blindness, but I'll take it for Savage Grace. (Winning Blindness may give her a better shot since a lot of people couldn't stomach the subject matter of Savage Grace, but we'll see.) Right now I'm calling Meryl, Angelina, Julianne (for either), Nicole (for Australia), and probably someone for The Secret Life of Bees. But i could be way wrong.

3 and 3a. Totally hear you!!

8. I'm explaining in my post I'm putting up now. Well, how it happened the first time will (I think) be linked. Not sure how I did it this time.


ellixian October 26 2008, 21:56:42 UTC
2. MORE intense? *cries* It was already so... harrowing. (I keep using the same word, but that's what it was to watch this movie, really.) I can see where they might have edited it, though, because the scene was a little confusing and not quite as impactful as it might've been if they'd dragged it out even longer.

Agree about her getting nommed for Blindness. I didn't even see Savage Grace (it disappeared out of theatres too fast for me to catch it) but the subject matter could turn people off. Good call on Nicole for Australia (wow, it's like a reunion for The Hours!).

8. Okay. GOING TO BED NOW, but will probably see it tomorrow.


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