computers make my head HURT

Oct 05, 2008 21:14

1. OH GOD. My computer hates my guts. A lot. I'm now posting from my dad's Mac - can I just say I'm a retard and it took me, like, TEN MINUTES to realise that the power button is ON THE BACK OF THE MONITOR? I spent ages staring at the computer going - I bet it's something counter-intuitive as it always is for Macs. And it wasn't, the power switch ( Read more... )

housespam, sleep patterns of fail, lj - alexia88, tina fey, my computer hates me

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irnbruise October 5 2008, 13:48:40 UTC
My ex had this really great icon of one of her favorite anime characters shaking his fists at a bunch of screens. It was perfect for computer-problem posts.

The apple/command button is the one that substitutes for ctrl on a PC. So, to copy/paste, apple+c apple+v. At least the letters are the same and not weird and counterintuitive too. D:

I have to say, I've used Macs for more of my life than PCs (I switched to PC during college at the endless ridicule of my IRC friends), but they've improved Mac OS so much, that for my non-geeky purposes it's way easier to use. Not to mention I don't have to cry over buying a new computer and dealing with Windows Vista. BUT, all that said, with desktop Macs I can never do really basic things like.. OPEN THE CD/DVD DRIVE or TURN THEM ON. Both at my old job and at the campus computer lab, I've needed to burn CDs, and I've ended up like, hitting the computer tower thinking it would make the drive open. LOL.

This is really old, but it never fails to crack me up: Microsoft redesigns the iPod packaging.


ellixian October 6 2008, 16:27:53 UTC
I know that once I figure out Macs properly and can negotiate them effectively and efficiently, I wouldn't have a problem with them - matter of learning, I guess? But since I've never actually LEARNED any of it yet, it just frustrates me. Also, hai, I've done that 'inability to find CD/DVD drive thing'... back when it was still floppy disks. I inserted mine and spent almost an HOUR trying to find how to GET IT OUT OF THE COMPUTER. Who would have thought to drag the icon to the trash basket instead of hitting an eject button, WTF?!?!? *weeps*

Thanks for the copy-paste commands - I figured those out after a while, but I have no idea how to right-click on an image and save THAT link? Since Macs don't allow right-click?! *weeps*



irnbruise October 6 2008, 18:21:21 UTC
Right click is also completely not intuitive - you have to do ctrl+mouseclick over the link or image you are interested in to get the Open link in new window/Save image/blah blah to pop up. I'm used to it now, but it confused the shit out of me when I first switched back.

Also forgot to say it's less of an issue now that everyone has thumb and external drives, but one thing I love about Macs is if you buy a new one from the retail stores, they'll transfer all your data, settings, and files over at no cost, so that when you boot up your new machine it's EXACTLY like looking at your old one. :)


ellixian October 6 2008, 18:23:22 UTC
they'll transfer all your data, settings, and files over at no cost, so that when you boot up your new machine it's EXACTLY like looking at your old one

Wow. They make it REALLY REALLY hard for you to decide to give up on Macs once you start, huh? Talk about awesome customer service. They couldn't give a damn with PCs.



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