"saying those three little words / bye bye baby"

Sep 11, 2008 03:29

1. FUCK YOU WINDOWS. Do not ever ever shut down on me again so you can install updates without FIRST WARNING ME THAT YOU PLAN TO DO SO. WTF. I was making icons! Okay fine, ONE icon, but still. GRRRRR.

2. It's way freakin' crazy-late now - 3.29am, if anyone cared or would be surprised anymore by the hours I keep - so I'm going to have to ignore the comments and fun posts that have popped up in the last hour. :(

3. I just needed to post about two things. First. I LOVE ALICE. Her concert at Joe's Pub on Monday is one of the best I've ever listened to, and OMG, so many new songs I've not heard her perform live. Her voice is just... ARGH. Can we say crazy crazy CRAZY amounts of love for Alice? Shine On, omigod, that song just makes me weep from its AMAZING. I'm so excited that I'll be seeing her in N2N next January. Just the prospect of that makes the reality of work survivable for the next... year? Argh.

4. Second, I had to share. Before Julia sang The Lowdown-Down at the LaChuisa benefit, she told a little story about the duelling Wild Parties of 2000. It's one of the funniest things I've heard in a long long while, and OMG. Julia tells a story like no one else - she's SO FUNNY. And her voice. AKSJDAKJDJASLDJALSDSA.

My favourite line? "And so they ate each other alive and died fiery deaths... Or DID THEY."
No, Julia isn't bitter at ALL about that troll under the bridge, hee.

5. Omigod, new Google alert. WTF IS THIS. Julia's participating in a private reading for a new musical? TOMORROW? ARGH. AWESOME. Please to be turning this into a permanent job in NYC, kthx.

6. Because I'm actually a 12-year-old boy, I'm excited - I'll be watching Stepbrothers after work tomorrow. Don't judge. I have lots and lots of wacky love for Will Ferrell. I'm just glad i managed to convince someone (i.e., my BOSS, LOL) to go see it with me. It'd have been sad to go and laugh by myself.

7. It's now 3.50am. FUCKITY. How am I going to function at work tomorrow? Answer: I'm not. :P

8. Edited to add. STUPID KNEE. It's been ten days of not doing anything remotely active, and it still refuses to heal properly. It doesn't hurt anymore, so I thought I'd kneel on it to see if I could get back to doing yoga - I knelt on my bed, got up and was, like, what's that pink spot on the sheet? Tried again - another pink spot. Damn scab still hasn't healed properly and is still bleeding! WTF WTF!!! URGH.

alice in wonderland, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, sleep patterns of fail, my computer hates me, movies

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