"525, 600 minutes"

Sep 08, 2008 02:46

1. I'm supposed to be in bed - WAS supposed to be in bed - but have kept hanging around online for some reason unbeknownst to me.

2. Awww, RENT. Farewell posts have started to pop up all over my flist, and so I figured I might as well join in. It IS sad and the end of an era, isn't it? Whatever you might say about the show getting tired, and it ( Read more... )

broadway, iconage, julia murney, idina menzel, om nom nom nom, sleep patterns of fail

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ellixian September 7 2008, 19:25:06 UTC
LOL, glad I could help decimate OTHER people's self-control. Clearly this is a bit of a theme for this post. (Proven by the fact that I haven't yet gone to bed.)

I approve though. OMG chocolate.

See. Dark chocolate Maltesers = best crack ever.


kerryaod September 7 2008, 19:30:12 UTC
Damn they look too nice. Where did you find them? I need them.


ellixian September 7 2008, 19:31:06 UTC
They just sell them here? I don't know if they're available in the UK. But they're YUMMY.


kerryaod September 7 2008, 19:32:17 UTC
I hope they are. White maltesers are nice but I'm sure these are better. Eugh tease. You're making me want them more now.


ex_bluebonn September 7 2008, 20:22:29 UTC
Haha, "to close, insert tab"


Mmmmm maltesers. *wants some*


in48frames September 7 2008, 20:28:15 UTC
Omg those look a bit scary. I actually REALLY don't like dark chocolate, but I would give them a try. Mm.

Re: your edit. Nobody's Side was the hook for me. I saw that, and I was GONE. It has a special place in my heart. xD

*has no Julia icons currently :(*


ellixian September 9 2008, 15:09:14 UTC
Please say you at least like milk chocolate?! D:

OMG Nobody's Side. I was, like, what is this moment everyone in the Youtube comments is talking about. And then she HIT THE G-SHARP AND I DIED. Was that your Julia moment? AWESOME. :D Mine was her Bryant Park performance of ALAYM with Seb Arcelus. It broke me, for some reason.

What is this about no Julia icons? Awww. :(


in48frames September 9 2008, 18:04:50 UTC
Umm. Sometimes? In small doses. D: I like it when it's with other things.

Ooh, I forgot you were a new fan. xD It was the whole package, the sexy face and the fingers and the BELTING. Love at first sight.

My paid account died and I only have six! I'd have to delete all the rest if I wanted to change the six I have and that's too much decision-making for me.


ellixian September 9 2008, 18:30:55 UTC
Oooh-er, guess I can't tempt you with chocolate then. Hmmm. What do you like to snack on, then?

LOL, I'm a relatively new fan, yes! I fail for not having caught up sooner, but I flail hard enough to make up for that now. :D DUDE I AGREE ON THE WHOLE PACKAGE THING. ARGH JULIA MURNEY WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME.

Oh argh. I hate it when that happens. :( Icons are my LIFE.


in48frames September 9 2008, 20:57:35 UTC
Salty stuff mostly! Sweets are best when eaten WITH salty things. I get sugar overload (in a taste buds way, not a blood sugar way) very easily, I don't even like most juices unless I water them down. :P

I am kind of boggling now at the fact that I've been a fan for something like two and a half years? It's been over a year since I first saw her live? Where does the time GO.


ellixian September 10 2008, 19:03:27 UTC
Oooh, I also love salty things. I used to love them more, but I've somehow managed to develop a sweet tooth in the last few years. No idea how that happened.

Fan for two and a half years = AWESOME. When did you first see Ms Murney or hear of her? And OMG, flail at me over your first live experience of her!! Was it Wicked for you?


in48frames September 10 2008, 19:20:59 UTC
Hee omg you are evil! I am all grinny and excited in the library again. Okay, I first saw some YouTube Wickeds that I did not like. :O I was all "This is odd" and moved on. But the first time I really saw her was... *checks old journal* June of 2006. So two years and a bit.

It was Wicked, and it was one of the most traumatically awesome experiences of my life. I was basically in shock for a month afterward. :P Epic post here. I also saw her last Wicked and Saved once. *sigh* And two benefits she didn't show up for. :P


ellixian September 11 2008, 19:52:18 UTC
I love making people act all goofy in public. ME FTW. XD

And I LOVE hearing people's how-I-got-hooked-on-Julia stories. They're almost always interesting. :D And I had the same reaction. O_O As in, like, I didn't LOVE Julia the first few times I listened to her album or her Wicked performances on youtube, you know? Then it hit me - my moment was a high note she held in her Bryant Park performance of ALAYM - and then I was DONE IN. TOAST.

EEEK. I LIKE THE LOOK OF YOUR EPIC POST BUT I NEED TO SLEEP SOMETIME THIS MILLENNIUM. So I'm mem-ing it and coming back to read it tomorrow. PLZ TO BE REMINDING ME TO DO SO. ;) Do you go down from Canada to NYC as and when possible then? That's so cool. I hate living so far away in Singapore. D: I only managed to catch Saved - twice in one trip.


ellixian September 11 2008, 20:25:30 UTC
We are SO PERFECTLY located. I mean, it's an eight hour drive, but with a father who loves driving and a mother who loves basically any musical I show her... it works. xD I've gone twice a year for the past two years... We've been once so far this year, but I'm a bit doubtful about the possibility of a second trip. And if (BIG IF) I'm going in January, I doubt anything before that will be feasible. Though considering I'm currently an unemployed student... odds aren't very good. D:

I can't imagine living so far away. :( It's the same for Lana and Sally, but at least they have a pretty epic theatre community of their own. Is there much in Singapore?

I HOPE you are sleeping.


in48frames September 11 2008, 20:28:03 UTC
Hmph. I can't delete it. *glares*


in48frames September 11 2008, 20:26:39 UTC
We are SO PERFECTLY located. I mean, it's an eight hour drive, but with a father who loves driving and a mother who loves basically any musical I show her... it works. xD I've gone twice a year for the past two years... We've been once so far this year, but I'm a bit doubtful about the possibility of a second trip. And if (BIG IF) I'm going in January, I doubt anything before that will be feasible. Though considering I'm currently an unemployed student... odds aren't very good. D:

I can't imagine living so far away. :( It's the same for Lana and Sally, but at least they have a pretty epic theatre community of their own. Is there much in Singapore?

I HOPE you are sleeping.


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