Um. I have serious things to say. I do. BUT. *FLAILS SOME MORE* I'm bummed that this is the last new episode 'til January, but man. We got four House/Cuddy scenes of win. I AM GOOD. I AM HAPPY. Flailage ensues, in epic amounts.
THIS IS IN NO WAY AT ALL DIAL-UP FRIENDLY, NO-SIREE. I went... um, rather crazy with the capping, yes I
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LOL @ your pointing out Balder!Taub, but it's true! He DOES look older than all the other ducklings now (though the new promo picture has Foreman looking SOOOO grumpy that he gives off such a vibe of having been the one who's stayed with House for the longest time, godknowswhy!). Oh I don't think Taub will join in with the psycho-analysing (*thwaps Wilson, just because*) but it'll still be funny to have him be as brutally honest as he has shown he can be. Maybe he can tell Wilson off on our behalves. ;)
Leaping down a little bit in your reply - yes, there's definitely a little bit of blindness when Wilson is concerned. I attribute it to the awesomeness that is RSL. I suppose we're the same way for Cuddy and LE - I'm probably too biased to be fair, since I adore Cuddy and LE's portrayal of her, and attribute all problems therein to the writers. ;) But Cuddy DOES get beat up on, almost ridiculously so, which is why I'm always happy to find like-minded souls who enjoy her for the complex, flawed, human, delightfully in-love-with-House character she is. (Um, I ALMOST made a sensible point and then my bias shows too. The two of us fail at being objective! Hee!)
Back to Taub - yes, I DO tend to identify with the older characters too, as you do. I mean, hello? I was totally in Ridiculously Old Fraud's camp!! And I'll take Cuddy over Cam anyday. Same on DH - Flicka over Eva for me, anytime. And you're also right about CTB, I guess. There was only so much they could do with her character if they didn't start exploring all the emo angsty stuff that must have made her as cutthroat as she is. (Which they tried to do in this episode, but too much of that might grate after a while.)
KICKASS!CUDDY has OWNED this season. I mean, seriously. Aside from the entire 40-candidates thing (which other administrator would have ALLOWED this? it doesn't even make medical sense the way she can argue for some of House's wackier ideas), which was necessary for an early-season arc, she's shut him down and needled him when it's necessary, reasoned with him and refused him procedures - it's ALL GOOD. The sex *ahem* is clearly helping. HEE. WE ARE SO NEUTRAL.
I'll have to listen to Reason to Believe now, to see which reading I prefer. It's in my car. Drive-home music!
Yes. let's get to work on Database of Loooove (I love our unofficial name for our community, hee!)! I'll start with Alone, as I mentioned, and we can definitely bring on all the people you mentioned it to, if they're still interested in helping out. *bounce*
And now I totally need to stop procrastinating at work and just GO HOME. ;)
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