Um. I have serious things to say. I do. BUT. *FLAILS SOME MORE* I'm bummed that this is the last new episode 'til January, but man. We got four House/Cuddy scenes of win. I AM GOOD. I AM HAPPY. Flailage ensues, in epic amounts.
THIS IS IN NO WAY AT ALL DIAL-UP FRIENDLY, NO-SIREE. I went... um, rather crazy with the capping, yes I
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I DEFINITELY like Taub too, because I think, just by virtue of his age and backstory, he's almost like House's peer rather than a fellow, even more so, I would say, than the three original Ducklings. So it should be interesting to see how their relationship develops. And to see Taub and Wilson chat about House - that would be AWESOME, because Taub is so honest. Hee.
All I can say about the twist to save 13? I'll take it if it gave us as awesome a final scene as we got!! Cuddy saved 13 - I guess I can live with that! The writers are gonna have to work a little harder to convince me that 13 isn't just Cameron with a potentially debilitating disease. But I'm good with the final 3, more or less, and will just sit back and see where the writers take us.
Absolutely agree with you on your House/Wilson analysis, of course - as you knew I would! I'm glad I've found someone who thinks Wilson's attempts to control and change House DO get rather overbearing and annoying sometimes, and that it's just good to go back to seeing them be FRIENDS. I rather liked the semi-flaily shouting match they had about House being afraid to live. That was nicely done.
I LOVE KICKASS!CUDDY (oops, capslock is back, hee!). Seriously. I'm so glad the writers are toughing her up this season, and bringing back a little of the mayhem and hotness she used to wreak in Season 1. (Even though I still think she's plenty awesome in Season 3, there HAVE been moments of weakness...)
And YES. Squeeage over House asking for Cuddy's advice - that's exactly the corresponding scene I thought of too i.e., the one where he just looked so HONEST when he gave his advice, and here when he asks for it. Awesomely played by Hugh, seriously.
Bruce mix yay!! *bounce* And I LOVE the song Reason To Believe. Really really do. Once Cheno is off my CD player, I swear Born To Run is going in there. Really really. ;)
AND YES - our database of looooooove!!! I can start with 4x01 Alone, actually, since I never did it for my own LJ. Whoo hoo! Weekend project!! *bounces some more* It's good you have more time. Lets us be as flaily as we like with this project...
Definitely agree about Taub being more of a peer -- for instance, the "mommy and daddy" jokes House used to make in front of the ducklings when he and Cuddy were arguing, they wouldn't fly quite as much (well, they wouldn't as amusing) if they were directed at Taub, who even has less hair than the pieced-House! ;) I did love when the previously known as PSG finally got a nickname from House and it was Mini-Stud, btw. As for Taub and Wilson sharing scenes -- you've GOTTA expect that House will make a pointed comment about the two of them when they're in a room together. I imagine Taub would groan at Wilson's psychoanalysis, though, rather than openly participate in it. I think he's more like House in that he'll unapologetically manipulate people to get them to do what he thinks is best (POTW's dad in "Ugly," Chase in this ep). For some reason, despite being 24, I always end up liking/identifying with the older characters. More experience means more interesting, and it usually carries over to the actors, as well -- more experience, better actor. And I suppose I'm an old soul?
I've tried to imagine how CTB might've changed if she had made the final cut, but I don't think she would have. I think she would still take every chance to come out on top, patient after patient, DDX after DDX. It definitely would have gotten old. Anne Dudek did a good job of not making her completely one-dimensional, though. And YES! Anything that facilitated that final H/C scene is more than okay in my book.
There does seem to be a blind spot in the fandom for Wilson. I think he's far from perfect. Given a good balance, though, of best buddy Wilson and big brother Wilson and he's great. Too much of the big brother -- scratch that, psychiatrist/life coach -- and it gets old quick. Cuddy, on the other hand, who you might say I have a blind spot for, seems to get beat up on quite a bit. But clearly we've done a fine job of looking at the big picture, beyond the superficial aspects, to get a clear view of just how strong and in charge Cuddy can be.
Compared to s1, I think current KICKASS!CUDDY (caps required) might actually be more confidently kickass. There have been a few instances where she's just said no to House, or suggested logical reasoning as to why and just how easy it would be to go through more official channels to get the end result you're looking for, rather than jumping into a shouting match with House because they're totally schtupping and she has the mother of all leverage -- no sex for you, House. (Aw, see, I had a perfectly neutral/non-Cuddy-looooves-House-and-is-therefore-weak assessment and I went and ruined it with the much needed schtupping factor)
Reason to Believe is on my list of potential House songs. His version would be the more cynical interpretation, though (there seem to be two schools of thought, the optimistic and the pessimistic, as it were).
I'm hoping to get started on the database of loooooove next week, maybe. I'm behind on capping and I need to get it done to make room on the hard drive. They're re-airing s1 eps on Mondays now, and I'm trying to capture those for posterity as well (btw, they're totally showing the more H/C-centric eps, and I choose to believe there's a greater purpose for this).
A few people I mentioned it to expressed interest in participating once we get it going. badposture (did I ever answer what her username was on FHO? I think it was just Camilla), pajamas (who says she has a load of Cuddy caps for season 1 if we're interested), and lissie_pissie said she'd be game to participate at some point. That's basically the people I mentioned it to, lol.
LOL @ your pointing out Balder!Taub, but it's true! He DOES look older than all the other ducklings now (though the new promo picture has Foreman looking SOOOO grumpy that he gives off such a vibe of having been the one who's stayed with House for the longest time, godknowswhy!). Oh I don't think Taub will join in with the psycho-analysing (*thwaps Wilson, just because*) but it'll still be funny to have him be as brutally honest as he has shown he can be. Maybe he can tell Wilson off on our behalves. ;)
Leaping down a little bit in your reply - yes, there's definitely a little bit of blindness when Wilson is concerned. I attribute it to the awesomeness that is RSL. I suppose we're the same way for Cuddy and LE - I'm probably too biased to be fair, since I adore Cuddy and LE's portrayal of her, and attribute all problems therein to the writers. ;) But Cuddy DOES get beat up on, almost ridiculously so, which is why I'm always happy to find like-minded souls who enjoy her for the complex, flawed, human, delightfully in-love-with-House character she is. (Um, I ALMOST made a sensible point and then my bias shows too. The two of us fail at being objective! Hee!)
Back to Taub - yes, I DO tend to identify with the older characters too, as you do. I mean, hello? I was totally in Ridiculously Old Fraud's camp!! And I'll take Cuddy over Cam anyday. Same on DH - Flicka over Eva for me, anytime. And you're also right about CTB, I guess. There was only so much they could do with her character if they didn't start exploring all the emo angsty stuff that must have made her as cutthroat as she is. (Which they tried to do in this episode, but too much of that might grate after a while.)
KICKASS!CUDDY has OWNED this season. I mean, seriously. Aside from the entire 40-candidates thing (which other administrator would have ALLOWED this? it doesn't even make medical sense the way she can argue for some of House's wackier ideas), which was necessary for an early-season arc, she's shut him down and needled him when it's necessary, reasoned with him and refused him procedures - it's ALL GOOD. The sex *ahem* is clearly helping. HEE. WE ARE SO NEUTRAL.
I'll have to listen to Reason to Believe now, to see which reading I prefer. It's in my car. Drive-home music!
Yes. let's get to work on Database of Loooove (I love our unofficial name for our community, hee!)! I'll start with Alone, as I mentioned, and we can definitely bring on all the people you mentioned it to, if they're still interested in helping out. *bounce*
And now I totally need to stop procrastinating at work and just GO HOME. ;)
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