Things I have learnt today

Aug 04, 2008 01:07

1. I am a lazy bugger. I woke up at... well, almost 5pm, shall we say (in my defense, I went to bed at 9am), and had all kinds of plans to run or skate or sign up for yoga classes. Suffice it to say that none of THOSE things happened. Instead:

2. I'm a big book dork and spent $130 at the Kino book sale. :D All on kids' books, because we have long ago established that I am six and therefore really grown-up. But I'm so happy with my haul! I have the entire Gemma Doyle trilogy now, since it comes so highly recommended by
llyfrgell, and also pretty much the whole Adventure series by Enid Blyton. Also, I had this HUGE wave of nostalgia when I spotted Anne of Green Gables on the display shelf - as part of its CENTENNIAL EDITION celebration, OMG. Then I realised I had absolutely no frickin' clue where my entire series of Anne books had gone to, and that I'd probably thrown the lot away. So I bought the full set of all eight books. O_o Pleased with my purchases, but OMG, when am I going to find the time to READ them all?!

3. I am obsessed with N2N and NEED TO STOP MAKING ICONS. OH GOD. I know this. But I can't stop! It's so addictive! *weeps*

4. I love Empire. It's the only movie magazine - UK edition - I read religiously, and it makes me happy. And dorky. Not to mention the fact that the August edition, which I've only just got around to reading, has a huge splash interview with David and Gillian. WIN. Here's my favourite bit from that interview. When asked to pick a favourite XF moment, Gillian had this to say:

You know, it all kind of gets jumbled up in my mind, but just recently, during this shoot, someone pulled David and I aside to this computer and showed us some clips, on Youtube, that fans had put together of us in various scenes. And there was an amazing amount of care and intimacy that I'd forgotten about. I mean, people always say we never kiss on the show - we kissed, like, thousands of times! There are kisses all over the place! There was a level of real intimacy between these two characters, the kind of care that you don't see very much in the real world. I missed that - and when we saw it again that day, we were totally mesmerised by it.
Ha ha, she didn't flail over Bad Blood! Which is kind of unexpected. ;) And AWWWW. For serious.

5. Monsters vs Aliens looks like awesome crack. I was intrigued by the blurb describing the film in Empire's big movie preview, and then, totally coincidentally, rockcandy83 posted the (shakily filmed) trailer! AWESOME MUCH? :D I just HAD to pimp it, because it looks friggin' HILARIOUS:

image Click to view

Empire had this to say:
If that title doesn't hype your inner 9-year-old, there's no hope for you. A woman is hit by a meteor and grows to 49'11" - a nod to '50s B classic Attack of the 50 Ft Woman - whereupon she's conscripted into a secret government monster team and tasked with stopping an invading alien robot. Filmed for 3D and with a voice cast including Reese Witherspoon as our heroine, Hugh Laurie as a cockroach-headed scientist and Stephen Colbert as the US President ("He plays it on steroids," claims studio chief Jeffrey Katzenberg), this could be a ginormous hit. "I got very inspired when the studio showed me storyboards," says Witherspoon. "It's given me an opportunity to make tall jokes for once."
Colour me excited, OMG. Hugh and Stephen? :D :D :D Plus, seriously. The trailer is on crack. LOVE.
6. I have an obsessive personality. HA HA. HANDS UP THOSE WHO DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW THAT, AND GO TO THE BACK OF THE CLASS. Anyway. I realised that once I started watching this trailer that I was sunk. I had to go to watch all the newest trailers, which I have been doing and which also means I am unlikely to go to bed anytime soon. Especially since trailer-spamming has helped me rediscover that:

7. I frickin' adore Cate Blanchett. My flail has diminished somewhat in recent months, but god. Never let it be said that I do not admire this woman in a crazy way. Only person alive who could play Katharine Hepburn - my favourite actress ever - and not make me want to dig my intestines out through my eyes. Urm, graphic randomness aside! Have a little pic-spam of her gorgeousness from her new film with Brad Pitt, which excites me greatly - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Reminds me eerily of a book I read a while back, The Confessions of Max Tivoli, as both movie and book are about a man who ages in reverse, appearing younger as he grows older, and the woman he falls in love with.

Eeek. I'm loving the aging and anti-aging effects they're using for this - doesn't Cate look GORGEOUS.

I'm loving the beret. :D

I love the colours in this trailer - it just looks so beautiful and shiny and perfect.

OH HAI. CAN WE SAY EXTREME SEXY TIMES. There aren't really stunning shots of Brad in this trailer, for some reason, or I'd have capped him too. But yay, sex scene! ;)

"You look... so young."

8. I am made of epic amounts of fail flail. Y/Y? ;) I need to go to bed now, even though I really can't since I'm not sleepy AT ALL, but I DO have to be at work on time for once... Bah humbug.

lj - rockcandy83, n2n, i fail, lj - llyfrgell, movies, housespam, randomness, cate the great, xflail, bookdorking, pics!!

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