Sleep > universe

Aug 02, 2008 19:07

1. I had NO IDEA how frickin' tired I've been over the past week - apparently sleeping 3-4 hours a night while still trying to be a semi-functioning human being at work isn't a good idea - until I got home early this morning. I ended up going straight to bed at 4 in the morning or so, and waking up about 13 and a half hours later. At 5.30pm. WTF.

2. O_o

3. At least it was a fun time out last night - I went out for a HUGE Japanese buffet dinner with
noldoparma and C, to this awesome restaurant in Greenwood that basically gives you as much sashimi as you could ask for, for just over $70. Which is a freakin' amazing deal and SO WORTH IT. It's fun to eat with people who can eat as much as I can and ENJOY IT, so yay! Honestly we scared other patrons away with the amount of food we kept ordering and then inhaling - it was nuts. Wasabi and pitan tofu = MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LOVE. I think the waiter there recognises me now. *ahem*

4. Then we watched the new Mummy movie, which was the randomest thing to ever random. For serious. Weirdass movie, which was surprisingly fun because it clearly had decided it didn't care about having a plot or being in any way logical. Whatever works for it, I guess. Basically my only takeaway from the show, other than the fact that Michelle Yeoh speaks truly shitty Chinese and has not improved one iota since Crouching Tiger, is that I have this inexplicable liking for Brendan Fraser. WTF. I can't explain it, really, but there it is. He's not movie-star handsome and not hideous, but he has this totally goofy, oddball charm that makes him just... IDK, so adorable. I'm kind of excited to be seeing him in the Inkheart movies now. :D

5. I sent
noldoparma home after that, and decided to head up to her place to grab some book!crack, since I'm on a kids' fantasy kick. We wound up sitting around in her room chatting for 2.5 hours. Talking about everything and anything in between - JD Robb (wut, now I have to read this series, LOL), American politics and goodness knows what else. Good times - what am I going to do at work when you guys leave, I ask again? I have NO IDEA.

6. I'm due at dinner in 15 minutes. I have neither showered nor budged from the computer. Punctuality is so not gonna happen.

7. However, fandom flailing is. OMG, DHP IN A NEW PLAY. Opens late April. I guess the trip to NYC in May will have to go ahead after all? Then I can watch this AND 9 To 5? *sobs* Too much awesome.

8. Also, I know you've all probably seen this already, but quite a few of you might not have. And I have to share it for the awesome that is Eden Espinosa and Tracie Thoms singing Take Me Or Leave Me live. :D OMG. I wish I could see this FINAL Broadway cast do Rent live. Still bummed that I missed Eden in June. :(

image Click to view

9. Since I'm never going to be able to sleep at a normal hour tonight, I think I shall go watch XF2 again. Midnight screening ftw. :D

10. And one last random thing - you know why I love Alice Ripley? Because, at the end of her 2003 Kennedy Centre concert, she very adorably says, "I heart the Kennedy Centre". Yes, I heart the Kennedy Centre. Hee. Oh Alice. (Thanks for pointing that out,
weazel_luv. It's not like we listen to these audios too much, NOT AT ALL.)

11. I WILL CATCH UP ON COMMENTS ETC LATER. You guys have been busy while I was passed out in bed, LOL.

alice in wonderland, lj - weazel_luv, frasier, lj - noldoparma, broadway, sleep patterns of fail, movies

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