Jul 24, 2008 12:54


julia murney, capslock flail, xflail, tunespammage, lj - tamoshan

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llyfrgell July 24 2008, 05:20:26 UTC
See? Shorts. Now you should be extra proud of me for managing to have a coherent conversation with her while she was wearing THAT.

Also, your brain's sound is a little scary.


ellixian July 24 2008, 12:18:43 UTC
HOW DID YOU CONCENTRATE. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Okay. Colour me impressed. VERY impressed. And proud too. ;)

BTW, my brain sounds like that ALL THE TIME, since I appear to be in a constant state of flail 24/7. The frequency changes, is all...


llyfrgell July 24 2008, 18:41:55 UTC
I was just glad she wasn't wearing the crazy heels of doom - I would've been terrified. At least in the sandals she was my height! (Though also scary, because eye contact.)

Um. *vaguely scared of your brain*

Also, I'm on sleep schedule of FAIL now because I was up til EIGHT AM not feeling well. Wtf, self.


ellixian July 24 2008, 18:46:42 UTC
I do always tend to think she's really tall though. I don't know why - even after I met her in person and I realised she's only a little bit taller than me if she's not in heels. She gives off the vibe of being a tall person, what can I say!

My brain is winding down.

And OMG, I SAW you online, and was gonna ask if you were greeting the morning from the wrong side, as it were, since you were still online at 8am. But then you went offline. Poor thing - are you coming down with something? :(


llyfrgell July 24 2008, 18:49:54 UTC
She has a tall aura. Or something. It was disconcerting that she wasn't actually four inches taller than me - though also made her seem like more of a real person.

I don't know WHAT my issue was last night, bleh. It seems to have gone away now, but only after putting me on a totally backwards sleep schedule. Hooray?

(Love the new Julia icon, btw.)


ellixian July 24 2008, 19:15:39 UTC
Definitely a tall aura. I think it's her confidence and sassiness? Plus she's not small-boned and delicate like a lot of ingenues out there *am disapproving of ingenues*, so I guess that means she comes across as some tall Amazonian lady when she actually ISN'T?

Urgh. I'm glad it's gone away now. Embrace the sleep schedule of fail! It's 3.15 am and I'm still here, work be damned. :P

(Thanks! I love it too, but bah. It's the best I could do from that crappy-quality video. Sad. Because the Hunyak monologue contained many moments that just screamed to be iconed.)

Btw! I haven't forgotten! but you might have! *pokes you* Pictures for your friends-only banner. I WILL MAKE IT. :D


llyfrgell July 24 2008, 19:30:09 UTC
And her propensity to wear tall shoes! Heh. And hm, I always think of her as pretty skinny, but I guess you're right in comparison to, like, Idina. Who is much tinier than one would think! And the reverse for Eden.

See, 3am and still awake is pretty normal for me. 8am?? Not so much.

I need to hunt down pictures! Eek. I don't even know where to start!


ellixian July 24 2008, 19:34:32 UTC
Okay, tall shoes. GRANTED. But yeah, that's who I meant. Idina is skinny and built just smaller, you know? Julia is thin but she isn't SLIGHT. She's well-built. Which I kind of like, as I said. She doesn't look like she'll fall over when she belts the crap out of a song.

Wait - Eden is the reverse... so she's bigger in RL than you'd imagine? She does seem a bit pixie-ish from photos and videos I've seen.

At least you managed to get up around 2-3pm. That might give you SOME hope of getting back to your normal?

PICTURES. Julia Murney Online is a fun way to waste an hour or seven.


llyfrgell July 24 2008, 19:40:56 UTC
Yep, agreed re: Idina and Julia. Julia just looks normal when you see her on the street/in a crowd, but Idina always makes me think, "DAMN. TINY."

*looks around furtively* (I think Eden may have gained weight since Brooklyn/Wicked photos. She is not as tiny as I expected from pics I'd seen. Gorgeous, though! *needs Eden icons*)

Tonight begins my apartment being used as a hotel by half of Aaron's family, who are getting here at like 1am, so we'll see about the normal schedule...

OOH. *browses photos while Amanda tries to make me clean the kitchen*


ellixian July 24 2008, 19:44:35 UTC
Last comment before bed.

Julia looks like a normal person! Exactly! And LOL, that's actually a COMPLIMENT, I'd say. Although, also? I think she's GORGEOUS in person. Sometimes not in all her photos (though she grows on you - if you know what I mean), and she's not conventionally beautiful anyway. But in person. Man.

I have no idea where you can go for Eden icons! Though I'd be happy to make you some - must broaden my horizons beyond Julia/Alice/N2n - if you find nice pics! :D

And OMG. Julia photos > kitchen chores anyday.

But I hadn't realised Amanda was back. Say hai for me! :D


llyfrgell July 25 2008, 04:49:00 UTC
Cannot find pictures I like! Fail!

That is really my only reason for commenting. Oh, and Amanda says hi.

Edit: I got far enough into the Google image results for Julia that your lj started coming up. LOL.


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