the best laid plans...

May 02, 2008 02:19

1. OH GOD. Had plans to watch House, right? FAILED, OBVIOUSLY. I should never volunteer to do a meme, even on a day off from work when I have more time to spend online. Because that's pretty much what I did all night. I did manage to go for the slowest run in the history of the universe. But mostly I memed. Oh well, at least it was fun. ;) Go play if you want to, if you haven't already!


3. Oh you know what? My heterosexuality came back today! At least for a while. ;) I watched Iron Man, and OMG. What a fun fun fun movie. (Though don't trust just me on that, because I much preferred X-Men 3 to Superman Returns, which apparently makes me some kind of movie retard. WHATEVER. The X-Men rule. IMHO, and yes I DO read comics because I am a geek that way, Marvel pwns DC, kthx.) Um, anyway. Bias aside. I LOVE the fact that the movie didn't take itself seriously - many random moments of epic fail as Tony Stark tries to perfect his power-suit - but that, because it had Robert Downey Jr as its lead, the movie jsut turned out darker and a whole lot more awesome than it'd have been if, IDK, someone with less acting chops but more bankability or whatever took on the role instead. And now I can stop pretending to have intelligent thoughts. ROBERT DOWNEY JR. PHWOAR.


Oh look. Muscles! And sweaty! And tinkering with some iron mask thingummy. PHWOAR, I SAY AGAIN.


I need to go look for more sexy. I've been too busy meme-ing to hunt down more Robert. :(
4. Anyway! In honour of my heterosexuality resurfacing - however briefly! - FLIST. Spam me with your favourite pictures of hot guys. I expect LOTS of Hugh Laurie and David Duchovny in the comments. But everyone else is welcome. LONG AS THEY ARE SEXY. (
medland, this means Richard Schiff, ahem. Or anyone on the West Wing, really.) Thanks in advance. ;)

5. I had a doughnut and cereal for dinner. And this is even though I'm at home with a kitchen and people who would actually prepare me, like, real food. Can you imagine what it's going to be like if I actually go back to university?! I'll be eating salad out of the bag again! FAIL. ;)

6. AND OH GOD. MATTHEW ROBINSON. Love!! What's with me and all the hot!guy! love today?! I guess I had to get Julia/Alice/Emily off my music player at SOME point. Thanks, Lana!! :):)

7. Edited to add: I have new music crack! (Not just music I downloaded, although, YAY for The Little Mermaid demo with Kerry Butler, Gavin Creel and EMILY SKINNER KTHX.) But also, I went to HMV! And bought Sarah McLachlan's new Rarities album, because I love Sarah and because there are some AWESOME tracks on that. And also Joni Mitchell's Blue. Because Alice Ripley told me to. Well, basically.

alice in wonderland, lj - lanafromoz, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, skipley, music, movies, housespam, randomness

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