Fic: something worse

Oct 15, 2007 02:23

Title: something worse
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house/cuddy, house s4, housefic

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shikabane_mai October 14 2007, 21:30:14 UTC
*sigh* I would have wanted this to happen on the show or something because I believe this is how Cuddy truly felt. Therefore, I absolutely adore this line: "How many more times do you want me to watch you die, House?"

I love angst fics that involve where Cuddy can't take it anymore because of House. How much will he push before she breaks?

A truly beautiful piece. :)


ellixian October 15 2007, 00:58:59 UTC
You're such a sweetheart for commenting twice, Shika. Hee. And I'm glad you liked - clearly I needed to get a little angst out of my system, since I don't think TPTB are going to bother showing the emotional aftermath for Cuddy on the show. (Hello, that whole perjury thing? GONE, just like that!)

Thanks for the double comments, hon!


shikabane_mai October 15 2007, 01:15:35 UTC
Your welcome! *hugs*

I can't even tell you how devastated I was when they just threw the perjury thing away! I mean - how much Cuddy character development could have come out of that?! ARGH. Most of the time, the writers are brilliant, but sometimes I just wanna bash them on the back of their heads with House's cane in frustration!


ellixian October 15 2007, 01:28:05 UTC
They've dropped a lot of balls with the House/Cuddy dynamic that they could have picked up, which is SUCH a no-no, seriously. Because HL and LE would totally rock at playing some of the really emotional, angsty stuff. (Hello, Finding Judas?! PROOF POSITIVE.) I just hope they don't forget all that wonderful shippy momentum they picked up for these two characters at the end of Season 3. Please, David Shore, please??


shikabane_mai October 15 2007, 01:38:12 UTC
Lol. That's why I think they should occasionally rewatch their old episodes because I doubt they do that. Since they don't rewatch it, they forget what the hell they'd written before and therefore dropping things like they'd never been started. (if they drop the Huddyness from Season 3, I'll kill 'em!)

I SO agree about HL and LE being totally amazing at playing emotional stuff! No one else can do it like them! So there goes my reason for loving Finding Judas so much. ;)


ellixian October 15 2007, 16:27:39 UTC
Yeah. All House writers must rewatch the old episodes - especially 3.14 to 3.20, dammit!!! ;) If they drop that arc, I might have to stalk them. And I bet you'll join me!! We need more House/Cuddy angsty-shippy scenes. Those would be too many kinds of AWESOME.


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