dorkage: House 4x03 97 Seconds

Oct 11, 2007 23:33

Sigh, OMG. The House love continues - so far, the weakest episode of the season, but considering how awesome the first two were? Doesn't mean much, at all.

- Definitely one of the episodes I'll need to rewatch to decide how much I like it. In contrast to my unabashed adoration of 4x02, this episode - well, it was good, but it didn't blow me away. ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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shikabane_mai October 12 2007, 02:33:30 UTC
For all that she's been criticised like crazy for being weak and a lousy administrator who won't stand her ground over "what's right", Andi (for that is what I shall call her) is proof that "right" is as "right" does. By which I mean, Cuddy is pretty damn unusual as a Dean of Medicine: for her, the patient comes first, not the hospital's bottom line.

Exactly! I couldn't agree more. To Cuddy, what's first is the patient, not some damn rules which could have ended up with a dead human being. That, in itself, is true strength - not some idiot who's all goody-two-shoe (or w/e) with the rules and doesn't dare overstep them in fear of getting fired, but will ultimately end up with a dead patient too.

She will be the newest Duckling, v2.0, and soon there will be House/13 threads everywhere (although she looks even younger than Cameron, bigger sigh).

Ahaha, I think that only applies to those who don't ship: House/Cuddy, House/Cameron or House/Wilson. Unless they're multi-shippers...

Should have paged Cuddy. She'd have moved heaven and earth to save him, then kicked his ass to hell and back. ;)

Well, she woulda moved heaven and earth to save him first, AND THEN yell the shit outta him. :)

I think Cuddy knew this when she took House on - she has funds set aside to mop up his messes, for crying out loud - but sometimes even she must wonder how the hell much further he can go.

I'd like for a Cuddy Angst Arc where she's close to a breaking point; dealing with everything that's going on in the hospital, having no social life, & House in general.

How is it that these two get so close to each other and don't freak out? Personal space, hello?

Because secretly they wanna screw the shit outta each other! XD


ellixian October 12 2007, 19:08:59 UTC
Shika!! *flails at you* OMG, this only proves to me how like-minded House/Cuddy fans are - we meet EVERYWHERE. I'm g from FF, btw, and this is, evidently, my fangirly LJ. The other one has some RL people on it who would be terrified by the... um, depth of my adoration of our ship. So, separate LJ for fic and pic-spamming! Heh.

To Cuddy, what's first is the patient, not some damn rules which could have ended up with a dead human being. That, in itself, is true strength - not some idiot who's all goody-two-shoe (or w/e) with the rules and doesn't dare overstep them in fear of getting fired, but will ultimately end up with a dead patient too.

Exactly right. That's what I love about the Cuddy character - she has to balance the part of her that's practical and all Dean of Medicine, with the part of her that knows, deep down, that House is always doing what he thinks is right. More importantly, she shares that idea of what's right with him, which is what made 4x02's OR scene so thudworthy for me. He gets that she gets him, you know? BIG HAPPY SIGH.

Ahaha, I think that only applies to those who don't ship: House/Cuddy, House/Cameron or House/Wilson. Unless they're multi-shippers...

I'm sure there are people jumping on the House/13 bandwagon already. Mainly because Hugh Laurie could have chemistry with a wall. But me, I'm just glad I've found my ship and am sticking with it as it sets sail. Heh. ;)

I'd like for a Cuddy Angst Arc where she's close to a breaking point; dealing with everything that's going on in the hospital, having no social life, & House in general.

Oh, that would be AWESOME. I know we're supposed to assume that Cuddy's life has been her hospital, hence no boyfriends or husbands or kids or whatever. But we need more backstory, dammit. Angsty!Cuddy would totally hit the spot for me. I want to find out more about her character, dammit!!! We know family stuff for every other character but Cuddy, which annoys me GREATLY.

Because secretly they wanna screw the shit outta each other! XD

Wow, it's like we're mind twins and all have the same dirty Huddy thoughts. HEE. Season. Of. The. Schtup. It HAS to be, come on... ;)


shikabane_mai October 12 2007, 20:45:57 UTC
Oh my god... Wow. Hi g!! Of course we meet everywhere - cuz we can't stay away from all the Huddy goodness! :) Can I add you on this account too?

The other one has some RL people on it who would be terrified by the... um, depth of my adoration of our ship. So, separate LJ for fic and pic-spamming! Heh.


I'm sure there are people jumping on the House/13 bandwagon already. Mainly because Hugh Laurie could have chemistry with a wall. But me, I'm just glad I've found my ship and am sticking with it as it sets sail. Heh. ;)

Hugh Laurie is DA MAN. I'd ship House/Cane. But anyway: I do know some people who are interested in House/Amber (I believe that's her name? Cut-throat-bitch?) because of that time when they stumbled against the wall together. *shrug* But for me, it'll always be Huddy.

Wow, it's like we're mind twins and all have the same dirty Huddy thoughts. HEE. Season. Of. The. Schtup. It HAS to be, come on... ;)



ellixian October 13 2007, 05:06:14 UTC
Wow. Hi g!! Of course we meet everywhere - cuz we can't stay away from all the Huddy goodness! :) Can I add you on this account too?

Duh, of course, like you even needed to ask!! I'm so adding you now. As long as you don't mind having to deal with TWO lots of fangirling from me (I still can't resist fangirling on my other LJ account, heh - it's just that this one allows me to be my TRUE fangirly self!!).

Hugh Laurie is DA MAN. I'd ship House/Cane.

Oh MAN, SO MUCH TRUTH. Because Hugh Laurie is my TV boyfriend, yes indeed he is. I haven't been so impressed or charmed by an actor in AGES. I just want to take House home and feed him Vicodin, LOL!

House/Cuddy, FTW, forever. It's so blindingly obvious to me I don't know how people can ship any other person with House, seriously.


Oh, ABSOLUTELY. You know our brains are going to collectively implode the day we finally get THAT EPISODE, right???? Hee. I really do suspect I'll have to call in sick that day. How could I ever leave my fellow fangirls at that historic point in our shipdom?? ;)


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