dorkage: House 4x03 97 Seconds

Oct 11, 2007 23:33

Sigh, OMG. The House love continues - so far, the weakest episode of the season, but considering how awesome the first two were? Doesn't mean much, at all.

- Definitely one of the episodes I'll need to rewatch to decide how much I like it. In contrast to my unabashed adoration of 4x02, this episode - well, it was good, but it didn't blow me away. ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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jukebox_grad October 11 2007, 19:12:27 UTC
I'm with you on liking most of the ep, but not totally buying the 97 seconds aspect. I have no trouble at all accepting that House would experiment on himself in this manner, to prove someone wrong (like the migraine drug in "Distractions") but, eh. The presentation of it was sketchy. In it for the high is an interesting idea, but I don't think they presented it like that. Seems they are trying to do an arc at the moment, with the spiritual aspects (given Big Love's involvement, this episode, and the preview for the next episode).

Fanwank: House didn't page Cuddy (or Wilson) because of emotional involvement. He paged MCB who can't be labeled emotional by any stretch of the term.

I love how both of our reactions to, "Not until after the yelling" was to add "and the sex." Seriously, seriously, seriously -- my dream scenario for the Huddy sex is Cuddy's office, on the desk, after her being frustrated as hell over something. Work, annoyance with House's latest actions, baby angst if the want (but please no baby angst > sex with House > House's victorious sperm). And I choose not to think of the physical logistics of this, taking into account House's leg. It's my dirty Huddy dream. Stay out, logic.

I had a similar thought, about people loving the "I love you" to Wilson, but as I said to someone else, it seemed purely a sarcastically melodramatic response to Wilson's comment about ordering up some more drugs for House. It immediately followed Wilson's comment about ordering more painkillers.

I don't think Ridiculously Old Fraud is Brennan; Brennan was the plaid shirt guy (who creeped me out a little). Apparently ROF is Henry Dobson, according to IMDB. I loved him. He might not be gone yet, though. It's a little unclear whether or not House fired anyone. I actually did read who's coming on as regulars but I shall not spoil.

#13 doesn't bother me yet. But please, PLEASE let her not have any sexual/romantic interest in House. I just read a rather interesting fic a few days ago. I like the theory. I don't see her as being too Cam-like at all. She was pretty confident in the diagnosis and took quick action to treat. I don't think she's interested in figuring out House's psyche or heart (gag) beyond what she needs to know to up her chances at getting the job (figuring out the psychology when trying to come up with their diagnosis).

The contrast of Mrs. Ziegler's and Cuddy's administrative discipline was interesting. And your comment about House being a mentor and not firing 13 because she'd probably not make the same mistake twice -- made me think they might've been trying to have this parallel to Foreman trying to correct his mistake in "Family" with the same type of case/treatment at Mercy. I couldn't bring myself to care much about Foreman. I'm going to enjoy when he comes crawling back to PPTH, I think.

I loved the H/C scenes and the OT3 scene so, so much. Both boys watching her walk away was golden! I really need a OT3 icon (I need a big overhaul of my userpics; I'm finding it ridiculously challenging to icon 4x01 and 4x02 for some reason *sigh*).


ellixian October 12 2007, 18:36:26 UTC
In it for the high is an interesting idea, but I don't think they presented it like that. Seems they are trying to do an arc at the moment, with the spiritual aspects

That's absolutely it - they didn't present it quite right, and tried to shove in so many explanations (or not) for what he did, as a B-plot. There just wasn't time enough to explore something quite as ludicrously dangerous as this, as well as the whole POTW A-plot that took up so much time. I find it interesting that they do seem to be focusing a bit on the spiritual aspect, despite House's apparent confirmation to himself that, well, there's nothing after all. No high? I say, fretfully.

Fanwank: House didn't page Cuddy (or Wilson) because of emotional involvement.

Good fanwank! I thoroughly approve. You're right about the emotional involvement - it's kind of nice to think he knew how insane he was being and that he decided to spare Wilson and Cuddy the pain and horror of finding him electrocuted to death, at least.

Seriously, seriously, seriously -- my dream scenario for the Huddy sex is Cuddy's office, on the desk, after her being frustrated as hell over something... It's my dirty Huddy dream. Stay out, logic.

Oh my god, can my logic joins yours, wherever you've banished it? Because, hello, PERFECTION, YES?? Office sex would be awesome. It would make my day, week, month, year, LIFE. Actually, I'll take whatever the writers throw at me because I'm that desperate. But I do admit that hot office sex would blow my mind. Even better would be if it were all unconsummated and every time they try to get it on all over the hospital, they keep getting interrupted. Imagine the supernova hotness of lust that would explode after that! ;)

as I said to someone else, it seemed purely a sarcastically melodramatic response to Wilson's comment about ordering up some more drugs for House.

You're right there too, of course. But I think it depends on what shipper lense you put on when you watch that scene. To me it was a perfectly innocuous (though very very cute) example of PainMeds!House, but I know my H/W friend is going to fall down dead after she sees this episode, so... to each their own, I guess!

I don't think Ridiculously Old Fraud is Brennan; Brennan was the plaid shirt guy (who creeped me out a little).

Boo, you're right and thanks so much for the catch! You're awesome. I'm gonna go edit that out of the post now. And I agree, Brennan creeped me out a bit, especially since he didn't seem to do anything in 4x02. He's definitely out. I want Henry in though!!

#13 doesn't bother me yet. But please, PLEASE let her not have any sexual/romantic interest in House.

Add me to that prayer list, man. Maybe she should hook up with Wilson, then, woot, way would be clear for the House/Cuddy OTP! Just kidding. ;) So far 13 is intriguing, and hasn't annoyed me yet the way Cameron has, frequently. Therefore, I'm more than happy to reserve judgement. She's pretty definitely going to be one of the new ducklings, so I hope they continue to keep her interesting. That fic WAS an intriguing way of looking at things. Because, hello, more people need to have a crush on Cuddy!

I couldn't bring myself to care much about Foreman. I'm going to enjoy when he comes crawling back to PPTH, I think.

I would enjoy the "crawling" part of that. The "back" part? not so much. I'm really still so iffy about having all the 3 original Ducklings back. Much as I love my Chase, it's overloading the show, and just makes so little SENSE. Gah.

H/C were AWESOME this episode. As was the OT3. You so need an icon. *pokes you* Good luck with icon-ing the first two episodes. Although there were some absolute golden moments, so I'm sure your muse will arrive shortly. ;)


jukebox_grad October 13 2007, 17:09:16 UTC
The spiritual arc is just coming off of his religious discussion with Big Love in 4x02, and then his experimentation in 4x03 -- and then of course the preview for the next ep. I do kind of like House as little boy lost. ;)

But I do admit that hot office sex would blow my mind. Even better would be if it were all unconsummated and every time they try to get it on all over the hospital, they keep getting interrupted.

I'll take it! I must say, a part of me wishes one day it would've just been revealed that House and Cuddy have been sleeping with each other for a prolonged period of time, and were just keeping it secret. But then I also really want to EXPERIENCE a H/C hook up! But yes, please, hot on-the-desk office sex, with uber-frustrated Cuddy. Interruptions would be hot, too, except that it would give the two of them too much time to come to their senses. The only way I can conceive of it happening is in the heat of the moment kind of way. I have to send you my H/C song of the moment sometime.

But I think it depends on what shipper lense you put on when you watch that scene. To me it was a perfectly innocuous (though very very cute) example of PainMeds!House, but I know my H/W friend is going to fall down dead after she sees this episode, so... to each their own, I guess!

Well yeah, in all fairness, if it had been Cuddy in Wilson's place, you know we'd be having a field day with it! (Though I think I'd be realistic and still catch on to the drug-induced emotional component, but would be fanwanking like crazy anyway.)

I want Henry in though!!

Wouldn't it be fun to have him show up among Cuddy's med students at some point? (OT: My mom was watching "Grey's Anatomy" the other night, and Edward Hermann is playing an intern; my mom yells, "Look Jenn, it's you!" Funny, mom, real funny. He's STILL more accomplished, but I guess I'd have 40 years to catch up)

That fic WAS an intriguing way of looking at things. Because, hello, more people need to have a crush on Cuddy!

When I was reading it, I was trying to figure it out in my head. Was at first thinking it might have been a set up, a way for 13 to get House to leave her alone, a way for Cuddy to screw with House's...mind. ;) But yes, more people should totally have a crush on Cuddy. I'd pay to see that fic realized, and to see HL play out that reaction from House. Good times!

I would enjoy the "crawling" part of that. The "back" part? not so much. I'm really still so iffy about having all the 3 original Ducklings back. Much as I love my Chase, it's overloading the show, and just makes so little SENSE. Gah.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder how they're going to bring them back. Are they going to try to bring back the original ducklings in the same fashion? I don't know how that would work. And yes, they've expanded the landscape of characters way too much at this point. I'm really looking forward to them dwindling it down further.

Good luck with icon-ing the first two episodes. Although there were some absolute golden moments, so I'm sure your muse will arrive shortly.

I don't know what it is, but it's been such a battle to get the coloring the way I want it. They're coming along so very slowly.


ellixian October 15 2007, 18:03:05 UTC
I do kind of like House as little boy lost. ;)

This should be fun to watch. I know where YOUR spiritual salvation lies, House - to paraphrase you, buried somewhere in Cuddy's cleavage. ;)

I must say, a part of me wishes one day it would've just been revealed that House and Cuddy have been sleeping with each other for a prolonged period of time, and were just keeping it secret. But then I also really want to EXPERIENCE a H/C hook up!

OH MAN, I don't think I could stand it if TWO of my OTPs took this route. Seriously, the XF just KILLED me when they did this with Mulder and Scully - it's painful to think you've watched a show for eight years or so, shipping a couple hopefully and tirelessly, and being told that, hey, they've been schtupping for the last two years! I mean, it's still good to know, and as a shipper I can totally work with that. But gah. It would STILL kill me not to get to see that first explosive kiss. Well, not first, for H/C, but first for the reignition of their (sexual) relationship.

I guess I do agree that the sex has to be quick and hot before either of them can bring reason to the fore and stop it halfway. Grrr.

Definitely send me your H/C song, m'dear. Always happy to be exposed to new music, especially new music to ship by!

Well yeah, in all fairness, if it had been Cuddy in Wilson's place, you know we'd be having a field day with it! (Though I think I'd be realistic and still catch on to the drug-induced emotional component, but would be fanwanking like crazy anyway.)

I would definitely be realistic. Errrr, kind of maybe. I'd be too busy partying and making icons and celebrating in my head, I suspect. Can't even imagine the aftermath of any actual kissing scene. I'll be calling in sick to work for the rest of the week, I suspect! ;)
But yes. I'd be realistic too. It was the drugs and the enabling that made House do it. *looks around furtively*

(OT: My mom was watching "Grey's Anatomy" the other night, and Edward Hermann is playing an intern; my mom yells, "Look Jenn, it's you!" Funny, mom, real funny. He's STILL more accomplished, but I guess I'd have 40 years to catch up)

OMG, that is So Random. Edward Hermann is playing an INTERN on GA?! WTF - he's ancient to be an intern, isn't he. What's happening there? I don't watch GA and don't plan to (no time), so feel free to spoil away.

Are they going to try to bring back the original ducklings in the same fashion? I don't know how that would work.

I don't think they're coming back in the same fashion - certainly interviews with the producers etc before the season started airing indicated that all three will be back, but in different capacities and more capable of challenging House now. Which is happening, with each of them taking different roles in different departments. But well... there just isn't ROOM for all the characters. It's not like Cuddy or Wilson had THAT much screentime with a cast of six. What are they going to do with a cast of NINE, assuming three new ducklings make the cut? Sigh.

I don't know what it is, but it's been such a battle to get the coloring the way I want it. They're coming along so very slowly.

Poor thing. :( Hope you've made some progress since. The colouring of the first two episodes is really just plain weird. Takes a lot of filtering and weird junk to fix the colour for icons. I've heard other people complain about that - maybe that's why you've been having trouble?


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