dorkage: House 4x03 97 Seconds

Oct 11, 2007 23:33

Sigh, OMG. The House love continues - so far, the weakest episode of the season, but considering how awesome the first two were? Doesn't mean much, at all.

- Definitely one of the episodes I'll need to rewatch to decide how much I like it. In contrast to my unabashed adoration of 4x02, this episode - well, it was good, but it didn't blow me away. ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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burn_so_pretty October 11 2007, 17:53:29 UTC
Hee. Not having seen the ep, I'm just going to comment on what I can e.g Teh Huddy. And also on things I just KNOW without seeing it e.g Cameron being a smug pain in the arse.

- BTW? GET OFF THE SCREEN, CAMERON. OMG. In the three seconds she took to cross her arms and smirk at House about liking Chase better now? I wanted to smack her upside the head with a brick. So SMUG, GAH.

ARRGH. It'sl ike she's trying to fling it in House's face that she's over him now and likes someone else better. She'd be as well sticking her tongue out at him and going "Na na na na na, sucker!" or something. So immature. And the best bit? Hello, HOUSE DOESN'T CARE. HOUSE LIKES CUDDY. Wake up and smell the coffee Cameron you silly bitch. I can tell I'm really gonna hate her even more this season.

Cuddy is pretty damn unusual as a Dean of Medicine: for her, the patient comes first, not the hospital's bottom line. (Except when the plot requires it, like in Euphoria.) That's why she lets House get away with the wacky shit he does (though he oversteps quite a few boundaries, obviously), and why, in the end, he respects her more than he would anyone else in the job. He knows that she thinks the same way, and that when it comes down to it, she'd put her job on the line to save someone's life if it could be done.

We've discussed this at length and you know I agree with every word. *bows* At the end of the day it's why Cuddy and House would make a good match, because they're more alike than she'll admit. Fetal Position proved that beyond reasonable doubt. Yes she's DoM, but she's also a doctor, and she'd go with the latter when the chips are down without question. And yes, House ultimately respects her more because he knows this. She (and they together) ROCK.

The photo story made my day. In fact, I think it will become the highlight of my week. *g* all the references to table sex just OWN, because OMG, that would OWN ALL. They need to devote an entire episode to them getting it on all over the hospital. *smirk*

Cuddy chasing after him is SO CUTE. Hello lack of personal space once again, how I love them. *g* Her expression of triumph as she's stops him getting past her is adorableness. *stares* Gleeful Cuddy is love. And the way he's looking at her in that other cap? OMG so intense. GAH. His every bit of attention iso n his Cuddles, aww.

And OT3 is love. Smooth operators are Wilson and House, with the ass ogling LOL. I love how Wilson's expression stays the same while House's eyebrows go up in appreciation. Hello x-rated thoughts. *g*



ellixian October 12 2007, 18:14:43 UTC
And the best bit? Hello, HOUSE DOESN'T CARE. HOUSE LIKES CUDDY. Wake up and smell the coffee Cameron you silly bitch. I can tell I'm really gonna hate her even more this season.

LOL, like you needed another reason to hate her, hon!! When the season starts for you and you get to see these episodes yourself, your brain might explode from all the Cam-hatred that will surely take you over. ;) Yes, she was remarkably smug and annoying in this scene. Three seconds and I wanted to stick a fork in her eye. Sigh. There have been times I didn't mind the Cameron character, honestly. Where did those times go??

(you, obviously, would say that those times should never have happened at all, hee.)

Yes she's DoM, but she's also a doctor, and she'd go with the latter when the chips are down without question. And yes, House ultimately respects her more because he knows this. She (and they together) ROCK.

I know you agree, and you know I agree, but we both know we never get tired of celebrating the gorgeousness that is our ship!! He's the doctor she won't allow herself to be because of her position, but she'll let him do what he needs to, whenever she can. *happy sigh*

all the references to table sex just OWN, because OMG, that would OWN ALL. They need to devote an entire episode to them getting it on all over the hospital.

Wouldn't that be AWESOME, though? In the episode when they finally schtup, or come close to it, I think it'd be so great if there was one huge argument, an explosive kiss, and an attempt to consummate all that eyesex... until someone interrupts them. And then the rest of the episode would have them trying (but failing!) to get it on all over the hospital, as you say. Now that would be SO MUCH FUN.

Cuddy chasing after him is SO CUTE.

Seriously, no cap can do this moment justice! She's so tiny, compared to him, and it's adorable watching her scurry after him. "Get back here, you hulking lug of a cripple!" And then her basically pwning him anyway. ;)

Heck yeah about the OT3. If there's any other ship I can see on the show (other than Chase/Cam, which I like because of Chase and because it keeps Cam away from House), it's Wilson/Cuddy, House/Wilson or any combination of the above. ;)

So glad you enjoyed, hon. You know I do it all for you!!


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