dorkage: House 4x01 Alone

Sep 28, 2007 00:53

Much squeeing and spoilage to follow:

- My LJ-cut text, of course, being in reference to the UNBELIEVABLE HOTNESS OF LISAS CUDDY AND EDELSTEIN. OMG - as with Hugh, every time I think this woman can't possibly get hotter, she turns up in a tight white dress or SITS ON A GLASS TABLE and CROSSES HER AWESOME LEGS. I swear, the number of people across the world who went gay in those few seconds? Innumerable.

- Um, I noticed other things about the episode I liked too, obviously. It was a good premiere, not a great one, but really really good. I was immensely pleased with the abundance of House, Cuddy and Wilson - although colour me slightly annoyed with Wilson's insistence on fixing House. I know a million House/Wilson shippers disagree with me on this, but I just don't think Wilson gets House a lot of the time, or at least about the things that really matter. Throughout Season 3, he was a jerk trying to reform House, not realising that, well, you can't, for one thing. And for another, maybe House doesn't need it.

- In other words, much as I LOVED the fandorky guitar-napping in this episode, I was still bugged by Wilson's holier-than-thou attitude. It gets annoying, man, after a while. Leave him BE.

- I suppose a lot of people would say the same for Cuddy, who FINALLY admits what we've always known: she enables House and always will, because saving patients - which is the one thing House is unquestionably good at - is still, to her, the most important equation in all the ones she has to balance in running her hospital. But I thought it was well done: she tried to get him to hire a team, and she did it in a far more professional way than Wilson. Badgering him, serving as a surrogate duckling,  running around taking care of the patient herself 'cause House can't be bothered with bedside manners: it's proof of how much of herself she's given to her job, and inasmuch as House helps her do her job better, she'll put up with any amount of crap from him.

- The House/Cuddy moments were GOLD: aforementioned leg-crossing scene was awesome, of course. (I'm still trying to figure out why Cuddy couldn't just sit on a chair, but dammit if we wouldn't prefer her on the table - as would House, I imagine. Heh.) But there were so many other great parts: he bounces ideas off her, he tries to throw her off guard ("I did it by myself, Mommy" - to Dr Buffer first before getting it right the second time, LOL!), and he sneaks a peek at her in the OR waiting room because he knows she'll give him the info he needs to solve his case in the end.

- I'd have preferred more TEXT to my Huddy though - it felt a little subtexty this week, banter for the sake of banter rather than the full-on eyesex the two of them were trading throughout the second half of Season 3. David Shore, when will the Promised Text arrive??

- Great comic moments from Wilson, I must admit. I love how House has this "I can't believe what a doofus you are" look on his face when Wilson insists he's not the kidnapper and holds up a newspaper all cut-up for ransom notes. Or when he imitates a guitar screaming, or yells (SO GAY) for House not to erase his TiVo, especially the season finale.

- LOVED Dr Buffer, OMG. He should be a proper Duckling, hee - he brought up lupus! And he was all principled and everything! For fifty bucks, anyway. Tee hee.

- And in terms of story, I thought this was a really great start to the season. House proves he's a brilliant doctor, as we know - he nails every diagnosis for a woman whose chart lies, and he figures everything out eventually. Cuddy's argument is that he'd have figured it out faster with a team, and that was quite nicely brought out by the fact that House, as she points out, NEEDS to be questioned by people who have different ways of thinking than he does. Cameron, for example, would never have assumed the worst of the boyfriend and his relationship with the POTW. Foreman would have done everything to prove House wrong (errrr, I disagree with this, actually, because I thought it was established at the end of the last season that Foreman has no spine and is annoying to boot), and Chase everything to prove House right. I'd probably say those two diagnoses are true inasmuch as Cuddy knows them - this is what it looks like to her. But IMO, Chase is the one who WOULD stand up to House when he has a different view. (See Finding Judas.) He just doesn't have much opportunity or reason to do so because he always thinks House is right. Which House, of course, almost always is. Fair assumption to make, I'd say. Foreman, on the other hand, would give up on the diagnosis eventually (because he lacks that spark of genius that makes House House, but he doesn't realise that and still hopes he won't become House - fat chance, Foreman, fat chance) and just bank on the fact that House must be right, because he's a bastard but he's House.

- Um, that was my convoluted way of saying, I didn't miss the Ducklings that much. Except Chase. Pretty blonde Chase. I keep wondering how they're planning to slot all three of them back into PPTH. It seems so ridiculous and contrived. If House fired them or they resigned, why would they all eventually return? Are they so incompetent they can't go head up a department somewhere? Well, we'll see how the writers explain it. I'd still rather push for a brand new team, and for the original Ducklings to make house calls once in a while.

- And, again, because it's so true, I am now gay, for Lisa.

I AM SO SO SO SO GLAD HOUSE IS BACK. Thank. The. Television. Gods.  

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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