How is it that January is TEN MONTHS AWAY.

Mar 16, 2008 01:53


1. Eventually - eventually - I will move on from Wicked. But I got stuck on another loop this evening, to check out Julia Murney as Elphaba this time, and crappers if she isn't one of the best actresses I've ever seen for the role. Whatever you might have to say about her voice - and if it's bad, don't say it here! - she's a freakin' powerhouse live, and she makes Elphaba just... deliciously, darkly real. It's incredible. Her Elphaba is very different from Idina's and Kerry's - I'm not sure what the difference is exactly. Maybe it's what 
lfae said when she summarised her Elphabas, that Julia's is very bookverse i.e., more dark and complex, while Idina is most clearly the almost entirely different Elphaba of the musical (which is only natural since she originated the role). IDK. I just know that Julia singing No Good Deed blew my mind into a thousand little pieces so I had to flail.

Julia Murney - No Good Deed

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LOVE. She's really acting the part, which is what makes it so amazing, I think. It's easy just to sing the words and pay lip service to them. Julia's living every single scar on Elphaba's heart, my god. Plus, what an amazing video. So clear and you can see all her expressions. Man, if Julia were still on Broadway in January, I'd need close to front row seats just to catch all the acting you can't see from way back in the stalls. ;)

Julia Murney - Defying Gravity

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Here's La Murney defying gravity. I find it insane how, whenever she sings this song, there is NO BREAK between her belting of "IT'S MEEEEEE" right through to So if you care to find me/look to the western sky. NO BREAK. Does this woman have lungs of pure titanium? (And she always does that <-- this video has an even-better quality singing performance by Julia, btw, but isn't quite as good video-wise.) And her "bring me down"s - flippin' 'eck.  Chain this woman to a Broadway stage and never let her go. I love her riffs. Man. [Edited to add] MORE FLAIL. Julia's last DG ever. CRAP. The emoting of WIN. And such good quality too, other than the banner across her face.

2. Still on the subject of La Murney: I've read somewhere - and I think it's true - that she doesn't bootleg too well. I've heard some audios of her that definitely sound a bit strange and which just don't capture the richness of her voice or the way she is just so wonderfully emotionally expressive in all the songs she sings. She's best live or on a proper studio recording, I think: so, to spam all you guys, please to be downloading my favourite song off her solo album, Misery and Happiness. It's just such a gorgeous, well-written song to begin with (written by Susan Werner, who I am now spamming on her official site and damn I think I need to visit HMV stat), and Julia sounds fantastic on it. I love the lyrics too.

3. Bah, I can't resist. My other favourite song, Perfect, written especially for her. Can I just say the lyrics are fantastic and, for some reason, come across as so very very House/Stacy to me? (In a perfect world/You'd hold me forever/In a perfect world, our love would stand tall/But I'm not perfect/And you're not perfect/Cause if you were/I wouldn't have loved you at all) Now there's a prompt for you House/Stacy shippers. I'd write a fic myself if I had the time! ;)

4. In other news, I got up too late to go to work, but I did watch August Rush - and what a waste of time that was. Really. Just a dire dire movie from the start and I don't know why I didn't walk out except that it's not something I do, I guess. Even Freddie Highmore couldn't save it from collapsing into its own charisma-less, totally predictable black hole of boredom. SIGH.

5. And I was a lazy bugger and didn't go running though I was supposed to. I FAIL. FAIL. And must go to work tomorrow. Sigh. Will thus cease being spammy now and maybe go watch some Bones. (I saw the fallout shelter episode the other night and LOVED IT, OBVIOUSLY.)

6. It's been a long time since I've used a vaguely positive mood icon, y/n?

housespam, lj - lfae, julia murney, wicked, i fail, music, movies

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