shall this be our last romance?

Feb 14, 2008 04:20

1. Let's hope not - but work is crazy at this point, and I only anticipate it getting CRAZIER. So take this post as a warning that I might very well be going on a mini-hiatus over the next few weeks. I left work AFTER MIDNIGHT OMG, and this is what I imagine things will be like for days weeks to come. So I'll try to be around and to flail when I have the energy. But if I disappear, you'll know why too. :(

2. At least I have one last day of freedom tomorrow - my sister is going back to Australia on Friday *sadface*, so I begged for Thursday off to spend time with her. Once those 24 hours are up, however, so will be my life as I've known it. (Actually, all I do is work if I'm not flailing, so I don't know how that's different, except now I'll stay at work 15-2,348 hours instead of 12. WTF RITE.)

3. Spam, flailage and love will be appreciated in the meantime. ;)

4. OMG, so I love
yuki_onna90, right? Because she wrote RPFic - and I don't read RPFic or write it - and yet she made me want to flail from the loveliness of it all. Everyone, go read they say it's wonderful now, because that's exactly what it is. If you need more details (WHY? JUST GO AND READ), this RPF is centred on two of the sexiest people who have graced this planet EVAR - Katharine Hepburn (still my favourite actress of all time) and Cary Grant (swoooooooooooooooooooooooon). And seriously, LJ-Kate just wrote SO MUCH LOVELY. As a result, I'm rewarding her with pic-spammage! If you want PROOF OF THE GORGEOUS, please to be clicking on the cut below...


I used to run a pretty massively dorky Katharine Hepburn site until the internet gods ate it for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. It's gone now, gone gone gone, but I still have an archive of Kate pics that can be described as truly scary. Some of my favourites of her with Cary:

Now that's some classic eyesex.

What I love about classic films and classic couples? They're remarkably hot and sexy even if they don't kiss.

There are actually a lot of pictures from this particular photoshoot for The Philadelphia Story - i.e., the one featuring Kate's character Tracy in various poses with the three men in her life - but this one's rare. I've not seen it in most other archives. GIFT FOR YOU, YES? PLUS, I LOVE HOW EACH OF THEM IS ARCHING THEIR EYEBROWS AT HER, LOL.

yuki_onna90, I know you don't like Jimmy as much as Cary *SADFACE*, but might this convince you that, eek, they are also made of so much sex??


LOL, AMIRITE? Bringing Up Baby is only my favourite movie EVAR. Seriously. I could rewatch it a thousand times and never get sick of all the win that is its script, its jokes, its cast and the chemistry. AND TEH FUNNY. IT BRINGS TEH FUNNY, FOR SERIOUS.


And here's a promo pic from Holiday:

Awwww. ♥
5. So while I was trawling through my picture folders, I stumbled on my old fanart folder. Like, seriously, stuff from six or seven years ago. They're sooooo not great (I think I still do better with words than pictures), but I had to share some of them because they bring back so many memories and prove how dorkily obsessive I used to be. Especially now that I'm flailing over the same things again. So in the next cut, there be colourisations of old photos (Kate/Cary, FRANKIE OL' BLUE EYES OMG, and who else loved Moulin Rouge!?), a West Wing wallpaper (THE MEN OF THE WW ARE MADE OF YUM), and this XF collage that's dodgy but ridiculously ridiculously SHIPPY. Hee.

Wallpapers - I have thumbnails of various mini-sizes to prevent you from going mad from the full 800x600ness of them (yes, back when that was the standard size, ftw)

Two from The Philadelphia Story (click for full-size)

The King, Queen and Jack of Hearts, of course!

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Tracy Samantha Lord...

The Men of The West Wing, because they are made of YUM.
<-- very mini-teaser, lol! (trust me though - the wallpaper is made of SEX)

Colourisations: OMG, I used to sit around and colour old black-and-white photos ALL THE TIME. Because I was obsessed with classic movies and used to collect photos of Kate, Cary, Frankie, Gene Kelly (GENE KELLY), Myrna Loy, Ann Miller, all of them were love. I don't condone colouring the actual movies (EEK, NO, WRONG), but photos were fair game. ;)

Not bad, yes? It's still a bit fake, sure, but eeee. Aren't they pretty in colour? :)


And because I was bored and decided to try my hand on one of my OTPs of the time (that would be Christian and Satine from Moulin Rouge!), I took a promo photo that was filled with the hot that is Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor, and re-colourised it:

I kinda like this one. Turned out HAWT, no? Hard not to, given subject matter. But IDK, I think it looks as lush as the picture feels.

And finally, The X-Files - man. I made this SO LONG AGO, and the colouring is like WTF. But I loved layers at the time - still do - and tried to get as many shippy moments into this mini-collage as possible. Makes my shippy little heart sing, it does. ;)

See if you can identify all the moments I used, lol!

6. Wow. That amount of flailage is quite exhausting. But there's always room for more! GO ICON-SPAM AT
my_vicodin! Because we all need a little randomness to cheer us up after David Shore said they're junking the second half of Season 4, wtf. They'd better give us some good STORY when they start production again. LISA. GO HAMMER AT HIS DOOR AND DO YOUR THANG.

7. I SHOULD SLEEP. I am so glad I have tomorrow off. So glad. 

rl ftl, artistic pretensions, west wing, the golden age, lj - yuki_onna90, movies, housespam, randomness, kate the great, xflail, pics!!

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