I legit cannot breathe, so I'm probably gonna die

Sep 21, 2010 02:05

So I know I've been gone from LJ for looong, unforgiveable stretches, and I TRIED to get caught up with my flist a few days ago but you know what? LJ doesn't let you go much further back than 310 entries, apparently. *cries* IN ANY CASE, I felt the need to announce that I HOPE to be back - a lot more regularly - now that the fall TV season is starting up again and I have nothing else to look forward to in my life but work anyway. OMIGOD IN A FEW HOURS, SEASON 7 OF HOUSE IS GOING TO EXPLODE MY BRAIN AND MY HEART AND PRETTY MUCH EVERY OTHER VITAL ORGAN I HAVE. SLKFHDSFLHSDLFHDLSFHDLS I'M EXCITED.



I've clearly not been doing any FLAILING in these here parts, but work plus recent travel means that Tumblr is just about all I can keep up with - which, trust me, was PLENTY, given the insane promos we've been getting (OMG THE PROMOS ASDLFKHSDLFHSDLFHSDLFHSL!!) and the casting info (CUDDY'S MOM CUDDY'S MOM CUDDY'S MOM FLHADLSALDHAL!!).

It sucks to high heaven that I have to be at work and probably won't be back 'til night-time my time - which means I'm placing a moratorium on myself... no Twitter or Tumblr or ANYTHING until I get to see the premiere. Because I know that the atomic levels of FLAIL that will ensue from 7x01 will be unlike anything we've ever seen or experienced in the House fandom. OMG so psyched for it, for serious!! XD XD

p/s Based on the promos, I think I am pretty much gonna be making this face throughout the first episode of Season 7:
Who's with me on that?

p/p/s I can't believe I flailed (truly entirely in capslock) about Season 7 way back in June and it didn't seem like September would ever get here. AND NOW IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!

house/cuddy, house s7, housespam, capslock flail

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