lessons learnt this mostly lazy sunday

Jun 14, 2010 02:43

Ned in my icon = me, at the thought of having to be back at work in six hours. (Less, actually.) I hate coming to the end of a weekend (which is invariably spent catching up from the fail of the week before, either in terms of sleeping or tv-watching) and trying to think up new ways to fall ill or incapacitate myself so I don't have to go back to work. URGH, ENOUGH WITH THE DEPRESSING. I have comments to catch up on, and I will try later this week, but here are five things I have learnt today:

1. Never text people back before 11am. I am now well-known throughout the land (i.e., my family, friends and colleagues) as being a real bitch before noon pretty much any day, but especially on the weekends when I usually sleep 'til AT LEAST noon. Today I was up by 10.30, for whatever reason, and dithering around online, and I responded to an excited text from my boss about an exciting new menu at a Japanese restaurant we should clearly frequent more often. She calls me back (OMIGOD, usually SUCH a no-no on a Sunday morning), all a-twitter about the food and the fact that I'm awake, and we flail about both things, and then she proceeds TO GIVE ME MORE WORK. WUT. I mean, REALLY, on a Sunday morning? CLASSY. I don't know how the discussion went from exciting!food to 'write this paper for me by Wednesday', but suffice it to say that our conversation ended pretty shortly after that. *grumps*

2. Brevity is the soul of wit. Or something. OMG, you guys, you should all go play at this fabulous five-word ficlet fest hosted by lauriestein. I've been playing all day and have already blasted through more fandoms (House, XF, Gilmore Girls, Bones, even GLEE!!, ahem) than I have in a decade. It's just a fun little challenge to fit everything you want to say into five, simple words - and there are some real gems in the entire thread - surprising how much one can say with so little. Truly makes me wonder about this 5,000-word BEHEMOTH at which I'm still chipping away, bit by bit. Sigh.

3. Movies teach me SO MUCH. I decided also to drag myself out of the house to watch a couple of movies, because I HAVEN'T WATCHED ONE IN TWO WEEKS, GUYS, what's up with that. Oh, because of dreck like The Killers occupying screens and I couldn't bring myself to watch Sex & The City 2, which I should, as it's actually quite clear I really don't REALLY have many standards when it comes to movies. As will become evident as I watched:

a. The A-Team: I will preface this by saying I have NEVER watched the TV show and have no clue what it's about. So in-jokes are lost on me, and I clearly have no opinions on how this measures up to (pays tribute to, falls short of, etc) the original series. It was a pretty fun time in the cinema, I guess. The action scenes were LUDICROUS, like, actual amounts of batshit crazy and there were guys whooping and cheering because testerosterone, it was exploding off that screen and into our popcorn. I learnt a few things. For instance, that I will never understand the appeal of Jessica Biel. She is a very 'meh' screen presence to me (though she was okay on 7th Heaven). BUT. I have learnt for sure that I have a deeply creepy attraction to whomever happens to be the most batshit character in a movie. I came out of Watchmen creepily enamoured of Jackie Earle Haley (as Rorschach), and hello Sharlto Copley as the completely looney-tunes Murdock! (Really though, he's REALLY HOT. I even thought so when his skin was sloughing off and his eyes changing colour in District 9.)

b. The Karate Kid was - a 2.5-hour vanity project for Jaden Smith. Must be nice to have super mega-rich parents to bankroll your creative endeavours (Will and Jada were producers). That being said, kid is pretty talented. He clearly worked out damn hard for the part and he's awfully cute. Jackie Chan was pretty good too! The story was meh. What did I learn? Urm. China is pretty. But I knew that. Oh, and apparently CHINESE FIRE IS MAGICAL. Oh, unintended lolz from the audience, you're always funtimes.

4. I'm pretty excited to see Mika live! I LOVE his first album (omg high trills on Grace Kelly ftw!) and although I am a big-time faily person for only having bought his second album on Saturday night, I'm loving it already. My favourite track, just from one full listen in my car, is Toy Boy - what a gloriously fun, poppy track. I hope he sings it live, I'm excited for his concert tomorrow later tonight. It'll give me a reason to suffer through Monday anyways.

5. I keep forgetting that it's Tonys Day today. Seriously, even though it keeps popping up on Twitter and various LJ communities. It keeps slipping my Swiss cheese of a mind. Sad that I'm a lot less invested in it this year than I was last... I still want to know why Glee people like Lea and Matthew are performing on the show, but whatever, viewership figures and whatnot, I guess. I'm going to bed soon but I bet I'll be thoroughly spoiled come morning. Looking forward to it!

And otherwise - same old, same old. I buy books (chiefly Rick Riordan's latest series kicking off with The Red Pyramid) because they're pretty. Seriously, bought the hardcover because the paperback edition is so fugly I almost had an allergic reaction to it. I'M HUNGRY and am refusing to give in and eat something as I should really be sleeping. I ADORE Dick Van Dyke and think that if you guys haven't seen him and Mary Tyler Moore out-cute each other all over The Dick Van Dyke Show, YOUR LIFE IS NOT COMPLETE. I am still obsessed with Hugh Laurie. And I still hate the prospect of Monday morning.

To end where I began, and all. Sigh... Good night, for sleepward I must go. A demain! 晚安, 我要去睡了...

broadway, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, movies, tv, lj - lauriestein, hugh laurie, worker bees die faster, bookdorking, fic: misc, sleep patterns of fail, starstalking

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