*gasp* posting AGAIN? within the WEEK?

May 29, 2010 06:48

1. OMG yes it's ME! I felt the need to ramble again, for some reason, and guess what - Tumblr and Twitter are great for the ADD part of my personality, but sometimes I just need to dump my flail in big ol' chunks of TEXT.

2. Well, actually, that isn't true. I think this pretty speaks for itself:

OMG Julia Murney, how are you so pretty.

I already posted that on Tumblr, because haaaaiii, pretty. But I had to share it here too. (BTW: PSA courtesy of inafaugh, Julia's official site has been updated with pictures. Aside from this one, there are new ones in the Wild Party section i.e., EPIC AMOUNTS OF FTW.

3. Can I just say that being me is really confusing right now. I have TOO MANY FANDOMS TO DEAL WITH, GUYS. TOO MANY. Like, I was about five seconds away from getting mortally hooked on China Beach (which I am sure will still happen, just at a slower pace), then I got hardcore back into House, and although I have SO MANY OTHER THINGS TO WATCH (like Castle and all those other shows I've had on the backburner for ages - this hiatus would be a good time to do something about that, non?), all I want to do right now is relive the glories of that show. I mean, hello, Hugh Laurie's intense blue eyes and unbelievable acting skillz. Lisa Edelstein's ability to turn me gay just by turning up in a scene. ALL THAT SEXUAL CONFUSION. Tumblr is the most evil enabler of everything, because I keep turning up picspams of old classic scenes and episodes, and then I went back to some of MY epic flail-posts, and omigod, was I an enormous ball of flail, or was I an ENORMOUS ball of flail? (LOL, I used to be better at it, I think I'm losing my touch. Example, from Season 5 - to be specific, 5x10 Let Them Eat Cake - proof both of my flail and my surprising ability to switch sexualities about 42325930 times in the space of a single scene.) But omg, I am just so ridiculously amazed by how my ship has managed to be as awesome as it is, considering that (apart from specifically Cuddy-centric episodes), Cuddy never really turns up for much more than 3-5 minutes of screen-time per episode. She ISN'T the legit female lead of the show the way, say, Scully and Brennan are in the XF and Bones respectively. MAKES HER ALL THE MOAR AMAZING, Y/Y.

4. So... I think I wound up breaking Tumblr with that FB!House convo I put up in my last post. Has this happened to you guys? I haven't received reblog (or any) notifications in 8+ hours. :\ Like, for ALL my posts, not just the one that's going viral. Boo.

5. I just watched the Gaga episode of Glee.

EVERY TIME I watch a Glee episode these days, I ask myself why I bother to put myself through it. Honestly I do not like the ultra-ADD style of writing on the show (INCONVENIENT PLOTLINE AND/OR CHARACTER THAT DOES NOT FIT THIS SONG? LET'S TOSS IT), nor most of the characters (especially when they completely mess with characters to make a point e.g., Puck's horrifically crass wooing of Mercedes), and a lot of the numbers are fun but you can see better (and more vital and more alive) in any Broadway theatre. Less auto-tuning to boot. Then I remember - Sue Sylvester/Jane Lynch. Guest stars like Cheno, NPH and Idina.

So, good things about Gaga!Glee? Idina Menzel and Lea Michele singing Poker Face. Whatever that the song is completely inappropriate to be sung in the context of their being mother and daughter. I have decided that divorcing the show/plot from the numbers could exponentially increase my appreciation of the songs. And there you have it. Poker Face was awesome. Puck singing Beth was also awesome. I will actually take Mark Salling singing over Corey Monteith ANYDAY, I want Corey to kind of go away forever until he learns how to sing/act. Idina's Funny Girl wasn't too bad either.

Bad parts - god, where do I begin. LACK OF SUE SYLVESTER. Bad Romance was tragic. The visuals were whatever, those were fine, but I couldn't tell apart ANY of the people singing, even when they switched back and forth. I was just, like, what kind of Darth Vader voice scrambler are you using? And WHY do you need to do that? Also, I fear I am going to be lynched for this, given the overwhelmingly positive response that Burt Hummel's speech elicited all over Twitter/Tumblr etc - but I thought that Burt's smackdown was... kind of over-the-top? *flinches* Don't kill me!! Let me preface this by saying I am a HUGE fan of Burt and his awesome unconditional love for Kurt. In fact, he and Sue and Puck (when he isn't being horrifically mangled as a character by TPTB) are my favourite characters on the show. Every time he stands up for Kurt, I have had the tendency to get all weepy and proud of a fictional character for just being THAT AWESOME. But this time... IDK, guys. I agree that Finn's use of the word 'faggy' was not-good and showed a great lack of thought and sensitivity... but good god, look at the situation HE'S dealing with. (Oh look, me defending Finn, is the world ending?) Forced out of his own home, to live with a guy he KNOWS has a crush on him and is redecorating their shared bedroom in some kind of exotic old-movie style? Burt should have had a good stern talking-to - BOTH with Finn (really, THROWING HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE is the best way to fix this situation?) and with KURT, because hello, Kurt was being all stalkerish and totes creeping on Finn and turning WHINY. I used to LOVE Kurt but he honestly needs a good lecture or twenty on boundaries.

I think I just hate the way the Glee writers only bring in logic and plot when it suits them, and manipulate characters and stories (poorly) to fit songs and just... ugh. I'm out of steam and am done bitching and have probably offended everybody who likes Glee anyway. Oof.

6. I also managed to watch The Ghost Writer, starring Ewan McGregor as ghost writer to Pierce Brosnan's former British PM "loosely" modelled on Tony Blair. Good movie - although I think I personally have issues with the twist in the tale that made it a whole lot less effective for me. The performances (and the look of the entire movie) were flawless though. Olivia Williams was fabulous as Ruth, Adam Lang's long-suffering, bitter wife. Also, Pierce was awesome but not in the movie as much as I thought he would be. Ewan is always... Ewan. ♥ And I didn't even RECOGNISE Kim Cattrall as Lang's PA at first.

7. How much do I NOT want to subject myself to Sex & The City 2? I really only want to go for Liza and Norm Lewis, and to be honest, I never watched the show long enough to become a fan. (I tried watching the first few episodes of the first season and just couldn't get into it, I'm told I should have tried harder and it gets way better, like 30 Rock. Is that true?) I watched the first movie, because I am a movie whore, and I liiiked it ish but didn't feel the need to revisit the series. I can't tell if watching SATC2 will be more pain than it's worth.

8. It's 6.45am. My sleeping patterns, as always, are full of shiny awesome. I should GO TO BED. I'll catch up on the last couple days of LJ and comments on my last entry this weekend, promise!

house/cuddy, julia murney, movies, lisa edelstein, housespam, tv, hugh laurie, cuddylove, sleep patterns of fail, pics!!, lj - inafaugh

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