"and if you fall as lucifer fell / you fall in flames" <-- depressingly apt for this post? perhaps.

Oct 08, 2009 00:04

1. So it's ten minutes past midnight and I JUST got back into work. What a way to start a day, huh? It's not like yesterday wasn't a particularly bad one, it WAS - one of those when I felt tragically undervalued, underpaid, put upon, and just generally aggrieved with everything. (Yes, ESPECIALLY so, apparently I CAN feel even worse than I do on a regular basis at work.) I was in such a bad mood I actually told my boss when she tried to make a joke that "I'm sorry, I'm not inclined to find anything funny today." Oops. A+++ for me on maintaining interpersonal communication at the workplace. The really tragic thing is that I KNOW I need the extra quiet hours to work on this stupid paper, so instead of giving up, I'm back here and planning to spend the night - I figured it'd be easier to go home, shower, and come back fortified with food and not have to deal with the commute in the morning. In other words, I would SO not be averse to y'all SPAMMING ME WITH HAPPY. Please. Anything to get me through this night would be much appreciated.

2. Let me get things rolling. I was truly in the worst mood ever until momentsofbeing4 posted the newest trailer for It's Complicated. OMG YES YES YES. ♥ I cannot - absolutely cannot - wait for this movie. The new scene at the very end of the trailer PRETTY MUCH KILLED ME DEAD FROM THE LOL-ARITY. I'm so going to watch every interview and read every article featuring this cast. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

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3. Also, I DID watch House when I got home earlier, just to make myself feel happier about coming into work.


- OMG CHASE. I've forgotten how friggin' MUCH I love Chase. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Did I almost cry at the end of the episode, when it turns out that Chase DID have the courage to act on his beliefs after all... whatever the cost to his own soul and peace of mind? Seriously now. Obviously the answer is YES. OMG. I had NOT expected the episode to go that way, although in retrospect, thinking back and remembering what Chase used to be like when he was, you know, a REAL part of the show, what he did and how he did it made perfect sense. And that's what I LOVE about House and the way it develops its characters so organically. It can shock and surprise me, in a way that is entirely true to the characters and, when you think about it, the most natural thing in the world. I really thought that scene between Chase and Foreman was masterfully done. And Jesse oh JESSE. Welcome back. ♥

- I'm kind of obsessed with the fact that it looks like Jesse Spencer is going to have a really nice meaty storyline with this now, since the promo for next week makes clear that they're not going to sweep what was effectively a murder right under the carpet. AWESOMETIMES, Foreman and Chase are going to have to cover this shit up! APPROVE. I'm wondering how this all factors into... casting decisions for the latter part of the season too. OMG EXCITED.

- It was kind of amusing to see the old team back again, because it convinced me that Foreman annoys the crap out of me with his sanctimonious stubbornness (AND OMG, turns out he was right and House was wrong! GASP! except poor Foreman can't catch a break - he's right, for once, and can't enjoy it BECAUSE HIS FRIEND TOTES MURDERED THEIR PATIENT) and my desire to stab Cameron in the eye CAN come back as fresh as ever after years of being neutral and even possibly liking her. Huh, who knew. ;)

- 13 annoys me now. You KNEW Foreman was this way when you got together with him, right? YOU KNEW IT? How else can you feel the way you say he makes you feel, 13? Seriously, you DIDN'T know your boyfriend was a stuck-up, stubborn, career-oriented bastard who only displays a human side every 20 episodes?

- I'm LOVING the way House's rehabilitation is going - his attempt to be "nice" and not interrupt Foreman. OMG THE MIMING. MY FAVOURITE SCENE EVER, HUGH LAURIE I HEART YOU AHAHAHA.

- Also, I thought that subplot with the Vietnam vet was FASCINATING. And actual HORRIFYING when that guy confronted House and it turns out that House WAS wrong again: he wasn't lying! Legit my jaw dropped at first when House went into the guy's apartment and accosted him with that injection. D: D: And when he forced the guy to put his AMPUTATED LIMB into that box, I was kind of horrified at WHAT House was trying. And then... he FIXED the guy. AGAIN. THIS SHOW. WUT. Thanks for screwing with my brain and yet making it entirely worth it AND reasonable in the context of the show and its character development. ♥

- So House was wrong both with the case AND with the neighbour. Huh. I wonder what that means...

- Cuddy was pretty! ♥ And apparently Wilson is a vampire. ♥ EVEN MORE LOVE.

- AND James Earl Jones was excellent.

4. AND yesterday I watched Bones. OMG Amish boy made me cry. Does that make me wimpy? As early on in the episode as when his mom asked Brennan for his photo, I started tearing. And at the end, when Brennan and Booth brought the video of their son playing the piano so beautifully - actual weeping. I'm such a WIMP. That said, FAVOURITE thing? "I'm not conjecting, I'm being BOOTHY." LMAO, BOOTHY. ♥ ♥ ♥

5. WHY. WHY in god's name are all the awesome stars and shows going to OKLAHOMA to put on shows?! SERIOUSLY!?!?! I would kill to be able to watch this production of Sweeney Todd, at the same theatre that hosted Ms Murney in Tommy (if I'm not mistaken?) earlier this year. Because holy FUCK, Jeff McCarthy as Sweeney Todd would be the most. epic. match of voice to role in a looong long time. (I know whereof I speak, I've heard him sing Epiphany live, UNPLUGGED, and it was EPIC TIMES.) And then to add Emily Skinner as Mrs Lovett?!?! FUCK ME. That 'A Little Priest' would actually be an eargasm waiting to happen. I WANT. FOREVER.

6. And NOW I am going to stop procrastinating and go do what I'm here to do: work. Bah.

broadway, lj - momentsofbeing4, house s6, skipley, meryl streep, housedorkage, movies, bones, worker bees die faster

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