"sweethearts walk by together / i still miss someone"

Aug 31, 2009 00:51

1. Okay, so anyone who's even vaguely a Julia fan has already been digging through her newly functional official site (seriously it has been 'under construction' for 100 years, give or take a decade), but whatever, I felt the need to squee about the photo gallery. The rest of the site is pretty standard stuff - albeit very nicely done and very comprehensive (it's so GOOD to see a gorgeous, up-to-date site for Julia!!) - but the GALLERY, OMG FAVOURITE. Aside from the fact that there are tons of photos that are completely new to me, DID YOU GUYS GO THROUGH EACH PIC AND READ THE CAPTIONS? So snarky and so clearly in Julia's voice, OMG I LOVED THEM. ♥ ♥ ♥ Honestly they made me lol. My particular favourites...

OMG I am obsessed with the Wicked section, she has a GORGEOUS pro-shot that I've never seen. Why doesn't she use these for autographs instead of the witchy-poo hands one?! D:


From the Cy Coleman revue:

I find this really hot for some reason. Also this one, because augh.

Honestly, Julia and Jenn were adorable in the photos that've popped up so far, but this is my favourite. Plus, they're dorks. :D

Also in the running in the adorkable stakes:


"pretty little meth addict" LOLOLOL ♥ - best caption winner, I think, though "dictator in her underwear" runs a close second.

Holy hot tamale. Elphaba as a glam 40s screen siren - with blonde (though it looks red) hair? AWESOME.

And finally, my FAVOURITE:

I LOVE this picture of Julia in her first solo show at Ars Nova. LOVE. Like, I'm legit obsessed with how gorgeous she looks - the hair, the sass, the everything. I think I need to make new album art for the Ars Nova show now. XD

Other thoughts: Julia looks MUCH better in Tommy with her dark wig. The one with her actual hair is horrifying in comparison. Only ONE picture from Wild Party, Julia? Really? You couldn't scare up a few more? SIGH. So yeah, I think I'm making icons at some point soon... XD

2. Wow, it feels like AGES since I've flailed over Julia. As timeofyoursong pointed out... :P I still love her, I do - I went back and listened to Julia singing Life Of The Party again the other day, and holy crap, she might not hit that crazy high note Idina does, but wtf are those riffs of awesome she's tossing about, I don't even know.

3. I'm eating bite-size Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies at 1am. Be jealous.

4. Today was movie day!! :D I'm trying to get caught up now on the movies that opened while I was away in Aspen, and saw:

a. Bruno, which was really not as funny OR as good as Borat - it just felt way more scripted/contrived and I didn't care for it as much. Not that there weren't moments of inspired insanity: Paula Abdul's appearance was GOLD, as was Bruno's reference to Mel Gibson (LOLOLOL LOVE). Other favourite bits remain the ones that riff on politics: his attempts to fix the problems in the Middle East were HILARIOUS. Otherwise, not as good as I was expecting/hoping for. OH WAIT I LOVED THE MUSIC VIDEO THAT CLOSED THE MOVIE. OMG the guest stars of WIN ahahaha!!!

b. The Proposal: excuse me what is this supernova level of hotness that Ryan Reynolds is radiating. Really now. I'm not going to pretend he wasn't the main draw - I invited my friend to the show by proposing "dinner and Ryan Reynolds" - but I thought it'd be a fun night out, since everyone seems to have really liked the film, plus the cast! Sandra Bullock! Who's ALWAYS fun in shows like this and really should just never try to move beyond her comfort zone because that way lies disaster. Betty White, Mary Steenburgen etc... And YAY I LOVED IT. Beyond getting to appreciate Ryan's really sexy ripped body adorkability, the movie really was one of the best examples of the genre in recent years. Not that it had all THAT much competition - I was trying to think back to the last rom-com that had me raving when I emerged from the theatre, and it was Definitely, Maybe (also with Ryan - how strange and coincidental!!)... and I wouldn't even call that film a rom-com per se. So The Proposal is, like, the first proper rom-com in ages that I've really LOVED. I just liked the sparky, RIDICULOUSLY antagonistic banter between Ryan and Sandra's characters so much - omg, when the tables were turned and she needed his help? And he MADE HER PROPOSE on the streets of New York? EFF, LOVE FOREVER.

5. The only thing that would've helped me enjoy the show MORE? Being able to hear. I'm still suffering from a nasty NASTY case of waxy build-up in my right ear, so am half deaf and have been experiencing tinnitus for the better part of three days. Yuck. FAIL FOR ALWAYS.

6. One last thing before I go to bed - I'm trying to be responsible and turn in early (for me) so I can do real work tomorrow - I need to flail over my LUNCH today. HY suggested we go to this AWESOME sushi place in town, and I looooooooved it. OMG, I got the chirashi set, which came in a bento box that really didn't look like much. I hadn't thought it'd be enough food for me... but really I couldn't even finish it, because the raw fish (so fresh) was packed down and there was so much awesome with the preserved vegetables and tamago and ♥! Not to mention unagi chawanmushi and clams in the miso soup, plus aburi softshell crab maki AND hotate mentaiyaki to share!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. I need to go back. Everyday. Om nom nom nom.

oh look a good day, julia murney, wicked, cells behaving badly, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, movies, lj - timeofyoursong, pics!!, om nom nom nom, wild party

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