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burn_so_pretty January 22 2008, 17:24:29 UTC
1. Because you are, clearly, my kickass House/Cuddy shipper mind twin fangirl type person!! *hugs*

Awww. *huggles you* So sweet of you, thank you. :D Mind twin fangirls FTW!

2. FF! That's really where we met, and it was fantastic, with the dominating of entire threads and PM-spazzing for hours and days on end. I'll try to go back there more regularly, really I will!

Nice choice. :D Heh, the good old days! We rocked the threads, hardcore. People couldn't keep up! And of course the marathon PM's ruled. You definetly must try and get back soon!

3. HAI, PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING, OMG. First off, we share flail. Secondly, you're just a total sweetheart and I ♥ you muchly. :)

Again, awww. *blushes and hugs you again* I love you muchly too bb. ♥ You're such a sweetheart yourself.

4. How's forcing myself up on a weekend morning and IMMEDIATELY heading to FF to chat with you sound? Oh, I know! Pic-spamming for you at the beginning, just so you could SEE some of these awesome House/Cuddy scenes we were getting at the beginning of Season 4. It was fantastic getting your real-time reaction to the pic-spams. my_vicodin owes everything to you! :)

Oh my, I remember posting with you on Saturday mornings, that was immense! But such fun. :D And you have no idea how much the pic spamming was appreciated. *hugs* You made my life with that.

And I didn't even think about that wrt my_vicodin, but you're right! *is so proud* The pic spams you did for me started it all!

5. Any chance you'll leave Scotland soon and come visiting in Asia? Specifically, where I stay? ;)

Hee, I'd love to. :D If you know, someone gave me a bank loan LOL. I'd seriously love to see your part of the world though. :) And the flailing that would take place would be immense!

6. OMG, this one is made of WIN! Think I'm gonna have to snag it for my own stash too. *loves teh LISA*

It is rather great. :D Feel free to snag! She's so cute! Although my personal fave bit was the "And I can't breathe, so I'm gonna die" line.

7. Now YOU go!

I will do!


ellixian January 22 2008, 18:19:05 UTC
People couldn't keep up! And of course the marathon PM's ruled. You definetly must try and get back soon!

LOL, no one could keep up with us indeed! I gather you and Alicia are doing that now and keeping the flame burning strong?! ;)

And I didn't even think about that wrt my_vicodin, but you're right! *is so proud* The pic spams you did for me started it all!

Oh ABSOLUTELY. It's because of you that the crazy insane pic-fic is still going on right now, LOL!!

Although my personal fave bit was the "And I can't breathe, so I'm gonna die" line.

I think there's an icon of that going around somewhere!! It's just the "I'm gonna die" part, but it's SO CUTE, OMG.



burn_so_pretty January 22 2008, 18:38:28 UTC
I gather you and Alicia are doing that now and keeping the flame burning strong?! ;)

Well yes, we try. :P Got to keep that old tradition going!

Oh ABSOLUTELY. It's because of you that the crazy insane pic-fic is still going on right now, LOL!!

They should all be thanking me. :D

I think there's an icon of that going around somewhere!! It's just the "I'm gonna die" part, but it's SO CUTE, OMG.

The way she says it cracks me up LOL. SHE IS JUST SO CUTE, PERIOD.

*hugs you back* ♥


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