"but human nature tells us so / there comes a time it's time to go"

May 05, 2009 00:30

1. THREE DAYS. CANNOT FATHOM THIS. Even though work is starting to fall in my lap again, and I really should do some of it because so much of it is due to my sitting around doing a whole lot of not much, right now my only concern is to keep from falling ill before I have to take off for the trip. Being barred from entering the US at this point is ( Read more... )

meme, house/cuddy, nyc, the golden age, lj - lfae, beth malone, travel, lj - nutmeggers, housespam, marvellous wonderettes, kate the great, kristin chenoweth, lj - medland, lj - alexia88, bookdorking, lj - starhud5, om nom nom nom

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llyfrgell May 4 2009, 18:37:26 UTC
EEK, THREE DAYS. You'll be seeing Wonderettes on Friday! I hope it stops effing raining by then, geez. (Gah, I just looked at weather.com and the next sunny day is supposed to be May 10. Kill me.)

If you find somewhere with actual free internet, let me know. Starbucks doesn't have it, unless you get a giftcard, use it, and then go online to register it (which doesn't work that well when you wanted it in order to go online in the first place). There's supposed to be some kind of wireless zone south of Central Park between like Broadway and 6th or something, provided by CBS (I think), but I've definitely been looking for a signal there before and found nothing. Also, your friend has an internet quota?! How does she survive? And how does that even, like, work?

Are you going to post a theatre schedule before you leave? *curious*


ellixian May 4 2009, 18:46:42 UTC
I can't believe Wonderettes is that soon, I WON'T believe it 'til I'm there and hopefully not falling asleep from the jet lag. Somehow I doubt it, since I'll be so hyped from adrenaline, but who knows!

Urgh that weather forecast does not make me happy, wut. At least it'll be... cooler, I guess. Umbrella it is.

ARGH WITH THE FAILY LACK OF FREE INTERNET. I thought you mentioned once being locked out of the house and finding free internet at a Starbucks? I think I'll need to google for information, it annoys me to go to a country where free internet is offered to me on a plate. (So spoilt.) My friend's internet quota is something like 10GB a month. Which, you know, normal people wouldn't max out. That should get you a sense of how much time she spends watching streaming video at home when she should be studying...

Still tying up loose ends, argh. I'll probably play it by ear for quite a lot of the shows this time, actually - it's easier since there's just me for so much of the trip!


llyfrgell May 4 2009, 18:57:56 UTC
Ha, I really do not believe you could ever fall asleep during Wonderettes. Waaaaay too much flail for that.

It does not make me happy either, especially considering it's already been raining since Friday. I want summer now!

I'm pretty sure I paid for a couple hours' worth of internet that time at Starbucks. I also do occasionally have a giftcard that I remember to activate, so that might have been the explanation. Have also googled for wireless hotspots before (which is how I found out about the CBS area), to little success. And I seriously did not know that internet companies here still implemented quotas at all - haven't heard of that since, like, 1998. Weird. (And speaking of 'should be studying'...)

Ah, okay. Well, I know I'll encounter you at Cheno's and Julia's concerts, if nothing else!


ellixian May 4 2009, 19:00:50 UTC
That's pretty much why I planned Wonderettes for the first night, I figured that would keep me up through the jet lag if all else fails!

Urgh, I less want summer. I want spring! I guess if it rains all the time I'll just be... indoors watching theatre and reading. Not that I wasn't planning to do that in the first place, ha.

Geez, lack of wireless internet for the epic fail. I genuinely don't understand what kind of stupid plan my friend signed up for, but I remember when we were there for the first few days in January, she warned me that I COULDN'T use the internet because it'd been maxed out. I was flummoxed. Especially when she told me her limit was 10gb!!

Definitely at Cheno's! Maybe we can do food before that? I have NO IDEA where City Centre is, aieee!


llyfrgell May 4 2009, 19:07:29 UTC
Yeah, I really do not understand why a city like this can't just have some kind of universal wireless. Even if it's slow! Plenty of cities have wireless at least in downtown areas, but New York? Nooooo. Hmph.

Food before that would work! City Center is kind of annoyingly between 5th and 6th Aves on 56th - a bit of a hike from the proper theatre district. As long as we started eating early enough, it should be fine - last time I was there, we went to dinner first and definitely did NOT leave enough time for transit. Running to the venue and then up 487584 flights of stairs is not an experience I'd like to repeat. xD


ellixian May 4 2009, 19:16:47 UTC
Coming from Singapore, where almost every mall and certainly the downtown area has it in spades, I get really upset at the thought of having to feed a bunch of quarters into one of those computer terminals in a deli for 15 minutes of internet. Well, maybe my friend studying for finals means she didn't max out her internet. AHAHAHA FAT CHANCE OF THAT HAPPENING.

Food yay! 56th is pretty far up, but I'm sure we can eat somewhere nearer there? OMG HOW ABOUT EL CENTRO. XD Of course, I only suggest that because it's about the only place that is vaguely in the 50s that I know of. ;) Still quite a hike across avenues but if we start early? (I can't even remember what time the show is though, FAIL.) Let's definitely NOT do the running, plz. ;)


llyfrgell May 4 2009, 19:23:41 UTC
Somehow I'm guessing your friend studies for finals about the same way I do. (Hint: I'm studying right now.)

El Centro works, as does the other place I tend to take visitors (a Mediterranean tapas place on 57th & 9th). The show appears to be at 7, good grief that's early. Meeting at like 5 might be a good idea, in that case?


ellixian May 4 2009, 19:25:52 UTC
Oh no, hey, the tapas place sounds like fun. I only mention El Centro because, like I said, I don't know anywhere else in that area offhand! But aieeee, 7 is ridiculously early. The show probably won't last long, right? Maybe we should have dinner after instead? Then we won't have to rush around like crazy people. Maybe just have a snack in the afternoon or something to get us to dinner at night? :D


llyfrgell May 4 2009, 19:33:08 UTC
Hm. I, um, actually have a final, um, the next morning (I am so smart), so I'll probably need to dash home and stay up all night cramming. Here's a thought, though: the tapas place is good for eating smallish amounts of food, so maybe we could meet there relatively early (4:30 or 5?) and call it some sort of late-afternoon snack? Then maybe we won't be too rushed or stuffed, and I'll have some time after the concert to do a whole lot of last-minute reading. Oof.


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