Flailage: new friends, LE & Jay Chou

Jan 19, 2008 04:31

MAN. I'm, like, totally functioning on three hours of sleep (not just yesterday but every day this week, thanks to the massive amounts of flail I've been engaging in), and I'm so sleepy right now. But I HAVE TO FLAIL. Even if 90% of my flist doesn't understand the object of the flailage! ;)

First things first, welcome also to
teh_maskmaid and

Second things next:
nitsa_maro pointed out that I am made of EPIC FAIL - I totally forgot to mention in my last flaily post ANOTHER reason for massive amounts of flailing this year - which is, obviously, that LISA EDELSTEIN SIGNED TO DO A MOVIE WITH LIFETIME WHICH IS DUE OUT IN DECEMBER, NEWS WHICH TOTALLY MADE MY LIFE HAI. The only thing that could make me happier at this point if we were told that either Hugh or Lisa had a cameo role in TXF2, LOL.

And, third things last: went for one of possibly the best concerts I've ever been to in my life, EVER. (And yes, there are two 'ever's in that sentence. IT WAS THAT GOOD.) I don't think I could adequately express the amount of sheer squee that exploded out of me during Jay Chou's concert here tonight. It was just... made of so much WIN.

The many reasons Jay Chou LIVE is made of win:

- I've been a fan for quite a few years now, but stupidly missed his last concert here because I deemed tickets to be too expensive (WTF IS THAT ABOUT), so this is the first time I've seen him live. And, of course, watching his concerts on Youtube or DVD just doesn't do him justice. He's adorable - SO CUTE, and SO FUNNY - and just a fabulous performer. He dances, and sings (and HITS ALL THOSE HIGH NOTES LIKE HE WAS CASTRATED, LOL), and plays the piano and the drums and the gu zheng and OMG it was just fantastic. AJSLDFJSDLJFSLDFJALSKDJALSDJAL!!

- How is it possible for one person to be so crazy-talented? He writes such amazing, catchy, affecting songs to begin with, and then he can play those instruments and sing and dance and... *flails at him*

- It was his birthday today! Which made for some hilariously cute moments - he shamelessly got his audience to sing for him, and he had a ridiculous birthday surprise in the form of a (male!) friend of his running onstage in a sparkly pink dress to try and kiss him during the last number.

- I'll have to snag the full track listing from
mirime later, just as proof of what an awesome set of songs he sang, but I just have to say that I LOVED ALL OF IT. He focused mainly on his two most recent albums - i.e., Still Fantasy and On The Run - which is great, because the former is my favourite of all his albums and the latter had a bunch of songs that sound awesome live. He sang Qian Li Zhi Wai, ftw, and also JU HUA TAI, which kills me SO DEAD. Fa Ru Xue was one of his encore numbers *cries from the happy*, and then he sang ballads of win like Tui Hou and An Jing and Zui Hou De Zhan Yi, and he also sang Huo Yuan Jia and Wu Shuang with the falsetto notes (OMG THE FALSETTO NOTES LIVE!) Of all things, he sang an awesome almost-country acoustic rock version of Shuang Jie Gun, which is typically just a crazy, pounding rock number that moves so fast that it really gets the blood pumping - he reprised it at the end too, the version most people are used to, as one of the songs he used to try to get the typically lethargic local audience to its feet.

- He was on top form, vocally. I know I've said similar already, but he was just changing up his songs, switching keys and making them sound different from the album cuts, and it was just SO MUCH FUN to see him do all of that. And to watch him engage in a piano duel with another guy?! HE PLAYS THE PIANO SO AMAZINGLY, OMFG. HE ALSO PLAYED THE GU ZHENG, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. HE PLAYED FA RU XUE BEFORE HE SANG IT, AND I FLAILED. THERE WAS SO. MUCH. FLAILAGE.

- Went out for a fun, flaily dinner afterwards. What a great day - so glad I took off from work for this!! :):)

In other news, the not-quite-sore-throat I've been nursing for the last couple of days looks set to become something considerably worse, very soon. Sigh. Not fun. Also, watched Cloverfield (not bad), and will be watching The Savages tomorrow. NOT TO MENTION GOING FOR JAY CHOU'S SECOND SHOW HERE. I AM SO OBSESSED = FTW!!

And now it's 5.20am, OMG. I NEED TO BE GOING TO BED, YES?!

flist-love, lj - nitsa_maro, jay chou, concerts, movies, lisa edelstein

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