To new friends, music pimpage, and a meme!

Jan 16, 2008 01:52

I've never made LJ friends so quickly before, but whee, my_vicodin for some proof, hee.)

11. What's something weird you enjoy that gets you odd looks from other people? Singing to myself. Seriously - I sing when I'm walking on the streets, sometimes when I'm out skating or running. I'm sure I look like a total spazz.

12. Your religious beliefs. None. Well, I'm an agnostic more than anything. But no organised religion, thanks very much.

13. Your favourite foods! JAPANESE. Sushi, sashimi, hand-rolls are all LOVE in my book.

14. Tell me the story behind your LJ username. I don't even remember how it came about - but I did use it for the XF fandom way way way back when, so when I was casting about for another nick for House flailage, I remembered it and here we are!

15. Your favourite moment in House. Moment? SINGULAR? *cries* I mean, I love so much of the smart stuff, like in Three Stories or No Reason, but well, if I had to CHOOSE: I think I'll have to go with the injection scene in Who's Your Daddy. MICROBES FTW. So. Much. Sex = LOVE.

meme, lj - crumpled_up, music, lj - cryptictac, flist-love, lj - athenaraven, housespam, randomness, jay chou, idina menzel, emil chau

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