"you got a piece of me / and honestly / my life would suck without you"

Mar 01, 2009 06:14

1. I think people need to write a thesis about the phenomenon of peanut mist. So I've been eating peanuts for the last hour or so - when I cracked the first one open, it kind of sent up a little POOF of mist. What was that?! And don't tell me dirt. Because I've already eaten it. :P ( Read more... )

lj - irnbruise, lj - mirime, movies, cate the great, kate the great, family, lj - noldoparma, desperate housewives, west wing, meryl streep, randomness, worker bees die faster, pics!!, sleep patterns of fail, starstalking, om nom nom nom

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irnbruise March 1 2009, 00:05:10 UTC
Somewhere, Miley Cyrus is crying not to be on your list.

I like that (I'm assuming) you B/W'ed up all these photos - something about that makes everyone in them look super extra classy, not that they weren't already.

I love In Her Shoes. It's to me, a chick flick for actual smart people.

ps. Before Sunrise took place in Vienna, not Paris. ;)

pps. Peanut mist? You are really weird.


ellixian March 1 2009, 00:10:30 UTC

Miley Cyrus is on the NEXT list, together with Paris Hilton and Hilary Duff. Obvs.

I love the black and white thing. All of these women are classy and deserve to look classier. ♥ (Also, if I didn't turn everything B&W, it'd have taken me EVEN LONGER. *weeps*)

SWEET. In Her Shoes rocked my world and I hadn't even expected to like it or for it to be that intelligent. Not many people saw that movie. :(

AHAHAHAHA. I fail. Why did I think it was Paris?! Was that Before Sunset? Or is it only because I'm an idiot and thought Julie Delpy = French = PARIS? OMG.

there be peanut mist EVERYWHERE, why!!



irnbruise March 1 2009, 00:21:38 UTC
WHY ARE YOU COMMENTING? I was just about to put the computer down and voices from the ether call me back.

I always feel gross after I eat half (or more) of a bag of sunflower seeds (mostly in need of water because of all the salt, but I usually end up with Coke Zero or beer), but it's always worth it. I can't imagine eating that much peanuts, though. It's funny you like them because I associate peanuts with something my mother did in Singapore.

OMG Paris and Hilary. <33 ( ... )


ellixian March 2 2009, 20:10:46 UTC
AHAHAHA voices from the ether. Because I'm that terrifying.

I kind of am having the grossed-out syndrome now. Way too many peanuts in the space of the last few days, methinks. So no more for now.


Omigod, you loved Million Dollar Baby too?! YAY. That was seriously one of my favourite films of that year, ever. Oh Clint, why are you so amazing? That movie broke my heart. And so did In Her Shoes, I really was genuinely ASTOUNDED by how good it was.

You should not tease the mentally disadvantaged. *weeps* And omg - that's where you were on 9/11?? D: That's cooler than where I was - at home and eating dinner.

(I have no idea either, except LOL.)


irnbruise March 2 2009, 20:52:48 UTC
Oh yes. Rare time I felt the Oscars got it right with Best Picture etc. I don't understand people who thought it was melodramatic or over the top - the fact that it unflinchingly presented such a horrible situation is what did it for me. And I didn't know anything about the plot or what was going to happen beforehand, so I was suitably devastated.

Yes, I was in the middle of a trip - was sightseeing all day and then out to dinner and back before my mother turned on the TV and we found out. Would never have been so out of the loop now, with improved mobile connectivity. We were some of the first people allowed to fly back into the US, five days later, which was kinda fucked up because some people had been stranded for days but they decided to start operating the regularly scheduled flights before dealing with the massive passenger backlog.


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