I'm so random...

Feb 26, 2009 02:10

Play a game. Write short sentences. Three words each.

Useless at work. Could not concentrate. Why so faily?

Chatted with irnbruise. Wonderettes on Sunday. Colour me jealous.

Fantastic yoga class. Seriously, not kidding. No premature death.

noldoparma stressed out. Consumed skinny pizza. Truffle mushrooms ftw.

Played Rock Band. Suspect am addicted. Although hopelessly uncoordinated.

Using brother's laptop. Internet in bed. Heaven on earth.

Tomorrow will fail. Must give lecture. AND write speech.

Therefore must sleep. Though only 2.10am. A feat, yes?

You... respond similarly? XD

lj - noldoparma, meme, randomness, yoga, lj - irnbruise, worker bees die faster, om nom nom nom

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