clearly I could write a very boring book

Feb 22, 2009 04:36

1. What a surprisingly productive day!

2. I managed to get up before 2pm - 'TIS A FEAT - as I had bought myself a ticket to see Valkyrie at 2.50pm and really did not want to sleep through ANOTHER movie and waste another 11 bucks. Unfortunately, any attempt to have a normal lunch was THWARTED by the epic huge rainstorm that blew up RIGHT over town when I was walking to the cinema (having parked somewhere further off in a failed attempt to incur less parking charges). Seriously, I would have really wanted an ark right about then, though not so much the pairs of animals that would've come with. :P I had to buy an umbrella on the way just to make it to the cinema vaguely on time, and as luck would have it, the WORST of the storm would ease RIGHT after I opened the umbrella and started outdoors. Story of my life.

3. Valkyrie was... disappointingly HOLLYWOOD, given its very weighty, very worthy subject matter. I mean, I should have seen this coming a mile away and expected it: WHO casts Tom Cruise in a movie about the last, most successful (not to say it SUCCEEDED) attempt to unseat Hitler and change the course of world history? So yes, it was Hollywoodised, Tom was not awful but didn't really seem able to make me want to care about the character... and Eddie Izzard was unrecognisable in the film. I liked Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson though. Again, REALLY solid supporting cast. That being said, I STILL CRIED AT THE END. EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THE OUTCOME AND THE MOVIE WASN'T THAT GREAT. My tear ducts, how much more faily could you be?

4. BTW, as a sequel to yesterday's cookie-eating debacle, I am currently trying to eat a chocolate bar that suffered a similar fate. Cleanliness and maturity are kind of not happening right now.

5. Yoga after that, for the first time in almost seven weeks. Aside from being off in NYC and being felled by illness/work, I've tried a couple of times in the past week to go back... but keep getting to town too late for class. GRRR. Clearly it was not the best idea to go with a class taught by one of the most strangely sadistic instructors on offer. I've had trouble in this guy's class before, when I was already fairly run-in and could handle classes without COMPLETELY unravelling in them. Today, his favourite REST POSITION was the plank i.e., full-on push-up. SIGH. I'm already starting to ache, a little bit, and will no doubt regret this when I wake up on the morrow later today.

6. Subsequently provided an alibi of sorts for noldoparma to hightail it out of her high-school reunion, and we met for Japanese at Vivocity. GOD. I've been stalking a particular restaurant there ever since I came back from NYC, but for some reason have never been able to get there in time to eat before/after whatever movie I'd be seeing. FINALLY got to have my hotate kakiage don - which is basically tempura (lightly battered) scallops and vegetables over rice. OM NOM NOM NOM. V HAPPY. I think I might be addicted to that particular dish. Then, predictably, black sesame ice cream before...

7. Heading back to mine to try our hand at Rock Band and Sing Star. *weeps* What a rockin' way to spend a Saturday night, huh? WE ARE SUCH DORKS. I held the guitar the wrong way around, and J got blisters from the drums ALREADY. But I think we might be a little bit hooked. AUGH NO.

8. Finally, I came home to Youtube, and I don't generally REALLY look at the recommendations on the front page, but I did today and they kind of amused me a lot:

Aside from the random Bowie video, clearly Youtube and I are totes soulmates and BFF. ♥
And I think I might be in love with Hugh Jackman. CURSES.

9. How is it that I always manage to write SO MUCH about a day that really was, basically, VERY BORING to anyone who is not me?! Do not understand.

10. ETA: Meryl pic-spam - because everyone needs a dose of class (and PRETTY) in their day, y/y?!

rl ftl, lj - noldoparma, yoga, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, julie andrews, meryl streep, movies, randomness, idina menzel, emil chau, om nom nom nom, starstalking, pics!!

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