I am suicidal and just a LITTLE bit stupid

Feb 13, 2009 03:46

1. 3.47am for the epic lose. Omigod. I need need NEED to stop watching Emil Chau videos. NEED TO STOP. Except cannot, because aieee, so obsessed. *weeps ( Read more... )

yoga, worker bees die faster, emil chau, i fail, sleep patterns of fail, movies

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lfae February 12 2009, 22:46:17 UTC
1. omg, I know the feeling. ;) Youtube is the DEATH of me sometimes!

2. Aww, I think you needed a sleep-in, Shawne. :( Maybe not the BEST timing, but that was your body saying FUCK THIS SHIT and ignoring the alarm ;)

4. ALL I know about that movie is that Alex wanted to see it in NYC and we couldn't find a place and time that suited *weeps*


ellixian February 14 2009, 18:26:58 UTC
1. Once I get on a loop, I'm DONE. XD But SO MUCH FUN, OMG.

2. I DID need a sleep-in, but I should have left it for the weekend and not, you know, a work day? *weeps* I can't believe I did that. I mean, it worked out and everything, but still. FAIL. :(

4. There were MANY things we didn't get to do in NYC that we wanted to do. CLEARLY THE ANSWER IS FOR US TO GO BACK, Y/Y?

Sendspace is being a BITCH and I can't download Wonderettes tonight. :( Was SO looking forward to tracking it though, bah.


lfae February 15 2009, 02:30:17 UTC
1. It's AMAZING CRACK. Like, I once found the intro music of an old kids' TV show I loved... cue me then hunting down EPISODES of like 5 more shows *weeps*

4. HELL YEAH! And next time, we go for longer and only book shows for like the first half, so then we can SEE STUFF AGAIN.


ellixian February 15 2009, 18:21:34 UTC
4. THAT SOUNDS LIKE A HUNDRED KINDS OF PERFECT. Although I have to say, I packed my schedule SO perfectly this time that I couldn't possibly have seen anything LESS and I saw everything I wanted to see! THE NY PART OF THE TRIP WORKED OUT SO WELL, Y/Y?? XD

Man, I'm loving all your Lucy icons. She's PRETTY.


lfae February 18 2009, 00:30:22 UTC
Lucy is GORGEOUS. I adore her. ♥

Me TOO, all I didn't have time for were repeats, but I didn't have to miss anything so yay! And though it sounds bad, it was good that half of broadway closed or we WOULD have had to miss stuff!!


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