ღ So long and thanks for all the fish

Feb 16, 2012 15:00

So, I haven't used Livejournal in forever. It may be possible that I'll come back, I mean, I have used it since I was 11 (ten years ago, oh my God). But it's looking less and less likely. So this is a goodbye post, really, not that there's many people still using LJ these days...

It's been a massive coping mechanism through anxiety and depression in times of need as well as a place for laughs. And I will be forever grateful to those that put up with me. :)

Bye bye~

ღ Elora

PS, If you wanted to find me elsewhere:
Ellivision @ Scribbld
Ellivader @ Plurk
Biocontrol @ Tumblr (not used v. much)
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