Oct 04, 2008 17:17
So as per usual been bleedin ages since i posted last.
For those of my friends who do not like the Spiritual side of my life then do not read this post. That is all it is about.
Today I am driven to look back on 25 weeks completed of my Spirit healing out of the required 100 to get recognition as a healer in SNU.
For those that don't know although Karen and I sit every week for trance speaking (me) and physical phenomena (karen) I have only added the healing thing more recently.
Starting was troublesome with a nasty parochial church that i immediately clashed with the healing group leader by know more about the rules that her. Fortunately the secretary and one of the other healing trainees recommended me to another local group called the Hook Healing Group. This proved as ever with Spirit most auspicious. They are most welcoming and far more open minded that the local church.
So for the last 25 weeks i have been going to Gorton Library where the Hook group run a drop in Centre for anyone who cares to call in 2-4. I like this method as it encourages anyone of any denomination or even none to come and get healing without getting any enforced faith aspects.
So after 25 weeks there how am I doing? Well to get approved i need only see one patient a week and get that approved by someone who is themselves qualified. (there are other bits too but they are not for here). I however tend to see anything up to six and generally three or four patients in those two hours.
During my time I have seen patients with many conditions from osteoporosis, arthritis, depression, tinnitus and many other aches and pains. All seem to benefit from a considerate ear, and time where someone is considering their needs. No miracles there. However, Most patients get a lot calm and peace not just during but following healing.
More specifically patients i have seen can now be seen to improve in the conditions they are suffering with. Nothing big as yet but definite improvement. I am scarcely running clinical double blind trials and patients are always encouraged to continue with all normal medical treatment. However, a patient that has had tinnitus and road drill levels for 30 years and seeing moments of quiet after just 8 weeks is I consider some success. I think in part due my team and me given he has tried all other methods known with no success to date.
So I am no Steve Upton, I cannot yet dissipate cancer or repair a birth defect or clear cataracts like he has been known to. I however refuse to believe that these abilities are beyond me given time. So I find myself quietly encouraged and looking forward to the next 25 weeks.
For any and all who wish me to do absent healing please simply send me a name and condition. I will do what I can. No promises on results and no limitations implied either.