did you know that Captain Stottleimer - or howover you spell it - lives in Don and Charlies house???? Tis sad, I know, recogninsing a flipping house but there you go. I'm sad *g*
And now onto the main event Eye CAndy pictures!
I choose to showcase the character Derek Morgan, the actor Aiden Turner and our one and only. Alas the ladies who got the individual atcs didn't know who any of them were, but agreed that they were indeed eye candy *g*
Now this post has taken me over a month to do, for some reason LJ was not letting me upload photos or even post, I could read and read and read.... but nothing else, so in the end after faffing with this setting and that blah blah yadda yadda we deleted the current explorer thingy and restored the last one and hey presto!!!
Technology is wonderful but its the bane of my life. (as well as other things but I'm not going there....!)