So this last week saw me start back to work with all new optimism and shiny hope. Sadly that illusion was shattered about 10 minutes into my first shift. Honestly I should have known better! We're really feeling the economic squeeze again, nobody is buying anything, including me! Next week I am working a total of 11 hours, which roughly equates to £60, out of that I will use maybe £10 of petrol.......
I got two unexpected surprises this week and both were lovely especially the one I got on Saturday.
On Wednesday I got this one:
a 9 week old (short haired) Border Collie boy, who we named Quinn aka little shit
and then on Saturday I got a Letter from America!! thank you sweetie, you made my day!
And I have to admit that after the photo in my last post of me standing next to the train, on a whim I had my hair cut and lost about 5 inch, so now I've got a just off the collar bob, amazingly I feel about a stone lighter!! (wishful thinking methinks!!)
In a moment of fangirl delirium on one of my craft groups I sort of volunteered to host a swap to make 3 atcs of your favourite hunks and get 3 randomly picked ones back. Just think I will be getting a pack of 3 fine men on my doorstep per every lady who signs up....
Now the hard part is figuring out my 3, and then finding the appropiate image, remembering of course that the size of the actual atc is 3.5inch by 2.5inch, and then finally embellishing them. OH THE AGONY.
And I've thought of a little gift I want too make so I'm going to being happy crafting this week!
And can I just say to all my f-list over the big pond, if you get UKwhateveritscalled or Living uk, keep an eye out for BEDLAM. Its unmissable! You have to watch this!! the adverts were of the nature of its either going to be really really good or really reaaly toe curlingly bad....... and its totally awesome!!!