What a day. Phew. This job can really take a lot of you. Not just physically, but mentally too. It took so much concentration, and coordination... But honestly, once the day was done, you really couldn't beat the view. I reached down into the mini fridge just to the side of the left round window and grabbed a beer. I popped the cap off and put the bottle opener back, magnetized to the fridge. I put my feet up on the bottom curve of the round window and watched out of that one, and the one next to it, as the sky turned firey orange and gold, then settled into soft pinks and purples. Once I'd finished my beer, I put it in the small recycling bin, grabbed a pouch of Gruel, and downed that real quick.
Some marketing dude thought it was funny mixing "great" and "fuel" into a portmanteau, trying to poke fun at themselves for this bland crap. The stupid jingle played through my head. "It's great, it's fuel, it won't make you drool, but it gets you through your busy day. GRUEL!" So stupid... Catchy, though, somehow. MechTech, my new job I've been working for, provided tons of it. So I've always got something to get me through the day and don't really have to think about cooking or whatever.
And things can get boring in the evening, but... I mean, it's work, right? Gotta pay the bills somehow.
I pushed a button on the wall, and my bed lowered down from the ceiling. I crawled in, and looked out the windows. Well, the eyes, if we're being technical about it. I look out through my giant mech's head every day. At night, when I'm not working, I try to pretend they're just round windows, and forget about the dashboard of infinite buttons that fire all kinds of missiles and whatnot.
I rubbed my shoulder as I laid on my side, tired from maneuvering the arms of the mech all day. I looked out the mech eyes, as I did each night, and I waited for mine to close, for sleep to come. This was definitely a strange job, and even stranger to live at work. But hey, no rent, no grocery shopping. Just driving a giant robot around during the day, firing at "the bad guys", constructing new buildings, and watching gorgeous sunsets each night. Not a bad life, overall, I guess. Only two more years left in my contract, anyway, and then? Maybe I'll find another gig, another place to live. Wherever I go, I think I'll still look for a place with round windows, and an awesome view.
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