Home Game for LJ Idol Minor - Week 1 // Prompt: An Embarrassing Moment

May 08, 2018 10:40

When I was pregnant with Homer, there were a lot of times I would just completely forget what I was trying to say, or I couldn't remember the name of something specific that I'd known really well pre-pregnancy. A lot of people call this "mommy brain" or "pregnancy brain." It's hard to think when you're growing a human, apparently!

At the time, I worked at a dog training place, and part of my job was driving the dogs back to their owners once they'd finished their training sessions. I was talking with my supervisor as we loaded a small dog into the company van.

"She's SO cute," Sarah said about the little dog, Maggie.

"She really is. And I love her coloring!" I said.

"Oh yeah, the red and white? So pretty."

"She reminds me of some kind of spaniel."

"Well, she is a cocker," said Sarah.

I looked at her, confused, like what did that have to do with anything? "Yeah, I know," I said, in that 'duh' kind of tone. "But I mean, there's a certain type of spaniel, I can't think of it right now, but she looks just like it."

"Cocker??" Sarah offered, perplexed.

"What? No, that's.. what? Oh shoot, I better go, I don't want to be late," I said.

"Sure, have a safe drive," she said oddly, and walked away shaking her head.

What's her deal?, I wondered as I drove away.

People... It was HOURS before I realized what had gone wrong in that conversation. That "cockers" are Cocker SPANIELS. No wonder she thought I was such a dufus!! The thing was, that really wasn't the type of spaniel I was thinking of. Literally like five hours later, long after I'd returned with the van, clocked out, and gone home, like I was probably having dinner or something, I suddenly shouted, "Brittany Spaniel!! BRITTANY, that's what it is!" And my husband was like, what are you even hecking talking about now?

So I was really embarrassed next time I talked to Sarah, even though I shouldn't have been. I just didn't want my supervisor to think I didn't know my dog breeds. I mean, there are a lot of people who maybe don't know many dog breeds, but this was our profession! We know these things. And I completely blanked that a cocker spaniel, is in fact, a spaniel. It's right there in the name!

Anyway, a silly thing perhaps, but it bugged me for ages!

embarrassing story, home game, lj idol, lj idol minor

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