Dec 16, 2008 00:01
Day #3: I'm happy I have a really nice and reassuring veterinarian.
Patches is fine, btw. She had some issues that may be pancreatitis or something, so I took her in to see the vet today. She's on an intestinal medication now, Flagyl, which she really, really hates. That poor cat! But I am really happy that she's okay. I'm also happy that the vet thought it was so great that I've been tracking her blood glucose so closely, and doing it at home. She also said, "Her ears don't look like you prick them twice daily!" And that was so awesome, because I've been a little worried about her looking like she has a heroin addiction or something because of her ears, but I told the vet that (hehe), and she didn't think so at all. It was nice hearing, "You're doing a great job with her!" So yay for nice vet and (more or less) healthy Patches!
Now if I Joe and I can just get rid of our own sicknesses, we'll be all set...
cats: patches,