i feel this way about alot of things. i have had such a bad day. me and mom were arguing this morning, i fought with my brothers, told off my cousin, and went to saturday school. and am going to work at 3. i dont really want to go but then again i do. but i just dont care i mean whatever people think i am such a heartless cruel person who has no regard for their or anyone elses feelings............well its half true some people i really couldnt care any less aout right now ill tell them like i see it and thats it doesnt matter to me and others i do care for and wouldnt do anything to intentionally hurt them.
lets see well well i am a little tired right now i didnt go to bed until 2 and then got up at 8. i really dont sleep much anymore. i just go to bed late and get up early but im ok with it really. i do get tired at times but overall i am quite alright.
lets see what else is going on ummmmmmm.....not much really i dont think. as most of you probably all of you know me and jessica had a fight, i know another one bug deal right nothing new. but this time i have absolutely no clue what i done wrong. she told me and all but i dont see that its anything wrong. so what i didnt tell her i was goign to prom with randi do i have to tell her all the sorted details in my life??? i think not. i dont tell anyone everything. i cant help that i had nothing to say to her much anymore ya know dont get mad at me over it. then she sayd that she isnt allowed to get mad but i am??? n clue what shes talking about. i never once said she couldnt get mad. ya know i defend myself when shes mad as she does. nothing wrong there everyone does it so what. and i dunno i dont see that i have anything to feel sorry about so i dont. one thing that really pisses me off more than anything is her friends saying shit. like tiffany wrote a think saying she thinks i am being an idiot. well um i dont think i care what she thinks im being she or no one else has naything to do with this situation and needs to keep thier comments to themselves. when i have a problem with something or someone unless i ask for advice i dont want it. i do see them being there for jess thats quite alright but they have no right to judge me at all. so screw them i dont care. but whatever so much drama huh?
well i guess thats it for now ill update when i get another chance im out bye