Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend (and a belated Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers)! I finally feel "caught up" with most of my "To Do" list, though certainly I have enough to keep me busy.
Since last I wrote, Taz had one more medical emergency that rather unhinged me, I think simply because it was right on the heels of all the other stuff he's had going on this Spring. I was supposed to be going to a specialty nursing convention in early June that I was really looking forward to; two days before I was to leave Taz's gall bladder flared up and he ended up in the hospital to get it removed. I had to forego the convention in order to be there to take care of the kids, etc. For three or four days I was an emotional mess, until it was all over and he was home; while I spoke to his mother several times I couldn't bring myself to call my family, and indeed didn't reach out much beyond Twitter updates.
We're looking forward to a much better Summer.
All three kids did a fantastic job in school this year; their report cards were a pleasure to read. Moopie did an absolutely fantastic job as
Tinkerbell in MPAC's Spring production of Peter Pan; I'm so proud of her. She and I also did a stint of puppeteering at the Franklin common for the town's Fourth of July celebrations, which was fun.
The kids are in summer programs (day camp at the Youth Center) for the summer; I'll be taking some Fridays off. We've been having fun playing with the Wii I got Taz for Father's Day. Life is good at the moment.