People have been asking what Jack thinks of the new arrival. He's not sure what to think. There was some hissing when I fed her on Tuesday night, I think because he thought she was usurping his food bowl. Since then he's kept a wary distance. What he DOES like is the kitten food.
The kitten seems to be doing better, bar the bad leg, which the vet thinks is an injury. (Which: almost certainly not down to
cahwyguy, by the way; he's blameless for the whole state of affairs.) I'm treating it with people antibiotics and hoping for the best. She seemed marginally more active yesterday evening and this morning than she's been since the rescue, so: good sign.
Finally, turns out my sister also rescued an abandoned kitten on Tuesday evening. It's the sort of weird coincidence that is probably proof of some kind of divine kitten distribution plan.