Romana/Rani on 28 May, Peri/Valeyard on 8 June

Apr 30, 2008 18:51

Because I'm foolish, I've signed up to promote these pairings for the who_otp rare ships fest whatzit. I've got ideas for the posts and plan to write some fic, naturally, but I wouldn't want to be selfish. I have a suspicion that nobody's going to fight me for either of these, but just in case: If anybody's dying to, I don't know, write the Vita Nuova of either pairing, pls to be letting me know where to find it? Would be most interested to read/view, and most keen to link/pimp when the time comes.

(Also, I think I may be the first to get to Peri/Valeyard, but it seems impossible that there wouldn't be a few Rani/Romana fics out there. Anybody ever seen one? Cross-referencing is not the Teaspoon's search function's first, best destiny.*)

I'm absurdly behind on all things LJ-comments, reading, and f-list. This bit of pimpage is all I've got for the moment, though, because my brain is steadily drying out like a sponge and has been for about four days. I'm not ignoring y'all on purpose, I promise. More exciting elliptical revelations to come some time once I've had a couple bucketfuls of sleep.

*Unless it is, and I'm too stupid to have noticed it, which is entirely possible. Especially right now.

shipping, rec me baby

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