(no subject)

Dec 23, 2011 06:06

Well, I tried the "switch to Georgia and enter this CSS" fixit, which is lovely and awesome and makes the comments page SO MUCH BETTER OMG. But it has one major drawback that I can't stomach, viz., that it doesn't display tags on the recent entries page. So, back to a craptacular comments page until I can be arsed to learn enough code to have both. The comments page for this style is quite tolerable, anyway; I kept meaning to disable the custom comments page for this journal but I don't think I ever did, and it was fairly OK. The functionality's good, at least.

It's not even like there aren't positives to the new changes. Just that the negatives outweigh them. C'mon, guys, reverse the dickery and let's all get on with life.

you needed to know that, lj

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