[memes] Ask me about fandom

Jan 24, 2011 22:41

I have actual fic to post, but posting it will first require all those finicky last edits, and coding it, and fixing the coding, and coming up with a summary that doesn't suck, and euurrgghhh.

So have a couple memes instead. Ganked offa fandom_me and moon_blitz:

Ask me fandom-related questions. They can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Questions can be as wacky as you want. Ask me about tv shows, books, characters, kinks, fanfic in general, fandom issues/meta, anything about any of my stories specifically. Whatever you've always wanted to know.

Ganked offa bagheera_san:

Pick a character from any of my fandoms and I'll try to answer these questions for them:

01. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
02. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
03. What do they dream about?
04. What’s their biggest fear?
05. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
06. What is their fondest memory?
07. What is their worst memory?
08. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.
09. What do they believe makes a successful life?
10. What makes them laugh?
11. What are their religious views?
12. What is their greatest strength?
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
14. Who is the most important person in their life?
15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Lessee: Doctor Who in all its forms except S5 what I have not got to yet, Turchwhut, Criminal Minds, Supernatural. Am I missing anything? Oh. Wooster & Jeeves. I think that covers it.

And bonus vid rec! Life During Wartime, The Lone Gunmen

fandom: supernatural, fandom: doctor who: gallifrey, fandom: doctor who: trial of a time lord, character: spencer reid, fandom: criminal minds, recs, memes, character: the valeyard

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