Nov 21, 2006 21:54
I went to pick up my midterm from my EASIA professor. He gave me a stern talk about not attending class. There's a pretty Asian thing going on here, I think, where as my professor he gets to boss me around but in return he has to look out for me and protect me. My job is to obey and not question his authority, and my reward will be good marks.
He was really nice in granting me an extension for my essay, so I put up with the lecture. Did I find his lectures boring? How could I be keeping up with the material? I'm taking 6 classes this term. It's hard to attend every single lecture, I answered. So you decide that you don't need to attend my class, but you attend some of your others? Then he went on with the passive-aggressive sarcasm "well, if you feel so confident about your ability, then I can't question you.
I glanced at my midterm mark. 85%. I decided it would be too smart-ass to mention it.